The way they fly around the basketball court, LeBron James and Kevin Durant often resemble Superman. Then they return to the locker room and come out looking like Clark Kent.
在篮球场上,勒布朗•詹姆斯(LeBron James)和凯文•杜兰特(Kevin Durant)飞舞的身影很像超人(Superman)。比赛后回到更衣室之后再度现身时,他们看上去就像克拉克•肯特(Clark Kent,超人在平时生活中的身份)了。
Mr. James, Mr. Durant and many other superstars in the NBA playoffs have found a novel way to accessorize their bespoke suits: thick-rimmed, chunky, ostentatious eyeglasses.
In the NBA, the new cool is geek chic. For most, the eyewear is purely a fashion statement, never mind old stigmas about astigmatism. Oklahoma City guard Russell Westbrook admits that his lenses are nonprescription. Like Mr. Westbrook, Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade has gone so far as to wear glasses without glass in them (or even plastic) as fashion models are sometimes known to do. And yet impeccable vision hasn't stopped Thunder and Heat players from flaunting the latest in designer eyewear at the NBA Finals.
极客风格是NBA最新的扮酷时尚。对大多数人来说,这种眼镜纯粹是一种时尚宣言,而不再是散光等视力问题的标志。俄克拉荷马雷霆队(Oklahoma City Thunder)后卫拉塞尔•威斯布鲁克(Russell Westbrook)承认他戴的是非处方镜片眼镜。迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)后卫德维恩•韦德(Dwyane Wade)更是大胆出位,他像时装模特们一样戴起了无镜片(甚至塑料镜片)眼镜。绝佳的视力也阻止不了雷霆队和热火队的球星们在NBA总决赛上大秀最新款的名牌眼镜。
"Back in the day, you wore them because you had to," said James Spina, the editor of 20/20, an eyewear trade publication. "These days, you wear them because you can't wait to wear them."
美国专业眼镜杂志《20/20》主编詹姆斯•史宾纳(James Spina)说,从前人们戴眼镜是由于不戴不行,而现在戴眼镜则是因为迫不及待想戴。
Nobody has been nattier this postseason than Mr. Westbrook, who has become nearly as famous for what Thunder guard Royal Ivey's mother, Jennifer, refers to as Mr. Westbrook's "Poindexter look" as for his ability to score at the rim. In the past month alone, Mr. Westbrook has been spotted wearing on his face designers like Barton Perreira, Mykita and Thom Browne.
在今年的季后赛期间,没人比威斯布鲁克更时髦了。雷霆队后卫罗伊•埃维(Royal Ivey)的母亲詹妮弗(Jennifer)说他是"书呆子形象",正是这一形象让他人气大增,影响力几乎与他上篮得分的能力相当。仅在过去一个月里,威斯布鲁克戴过的时尚眼镜品牌就包括巴顿•佩雷拉(Barton Perreira)、迈卡蒂(Mykita)和桑姆•布郎尼(Thom Browne)。
His teammates say Mr. Westbrook first showed off his most famous pair - the fire-engine red, lensless Retrosuperfuture frames that resemble Ray-Ban's iconic Wayfarers - on a bus trip during the regular season. "You couldn't really tell that they didn't have lenses until you got up real close," center Nazr Mohammed said. Something else came to mind for Thunder assistant coach Rex Kalamian: "My first thought was "Urkel" ," he said, referring to the uber-nerd from the 1990s sitcom "Family Matters."
威斯布鲁克最著名的是一副大红色无镜片Retrosuperfuture牌眼镜,与雷朋(Ray-Ban)经典的徒步旅行者(Wayfarer)系列很相似。他的队友说他第一次秀这款眼镜是在常规赛期间的一次大巴旅途中。雷霆队中锋纳兹尔•莫罕默德(Nazr Mohammed)说,除非贴近看,否则你真看不出这副眼镜没有镜片。该队助理教练莱克斯•卡拉米安(Rex Kalamian)则联想到了别的。他说,我首先想到的是"乌克尔"(Urkel)。他指的是20世纪90年代的情景喜剧《凡人琐事》(Family Matters)中的那个超级书呆子。
Mr. Westbrook's look has also fueled a fashion feud this week with members of the Heat. Miami guard James Jones, who said he has a pair of Shuron Ronsirs similar to the ones Malcolm X once wore, dismissed Mr. Westbrook's look as "quirky." And that was before he really cut deep.
威斯布鲁克的形象还在热火队队员间激起了一场有关时尚的争论。热火队后卫詹姆斯•琼斯(James Jones)说他有一副类似马尔科姆•艾克斯(Malcolm X,美国民权运动领袖)曾戴过的Shuron Ronsirs眼镜,他称威斯布鲁克的形象很"古怪"。这还是比较客气的说法。
"I don't condone glasses without lenses," Mr. Jones said.
Then there is the small matter of who started the latest style. Mr. Westbrook said he was the only bespectacled NBA player as a rookie in 2008. "Everybody else just started wearing them now," he said.