It's good news for movie lovers that more Hollywood blockbusters are reaching Chinese theaters now. However, when you go to the cinema to enjoy a foreign feast, you might get a slice of Chinese.
"Garbage oil", "lean meat powder", "shangbuqi" (which means too delicate to bear a blow) and "kengdie" (cheating) –these popular Chinese terms, originated online and in the news, are cropping up in Chinese subtitles to Hollywood films, such as the recent Men in Black 3, Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted.
For example, in Madagascar 3, when Gloria the Hippo, wants to dance with Marty the Zebra, she says: "We can perform a dance together."
Somehow, the Chinese subtitle goes: "Let's be a couple, like Xiao Shenyang, and go to Star Way."
While it might deserve a laugh, many moviegoers, like myself, must be wondering: "How the hell did that sentence end up there?"
I personally think it's more annoying than funny. No one can deny the importance of a film script, where every line is carefully chosen by the writers–especially in a highly developed film industry such as Hollywood.
我个人认为,这并不滑稽,反而更令人生厌。没有人能否认电影剧本的重要性, 其中的每一句台词都是经过编剧精心挑选的,尤其在像好莱坞这样高度发达的电影产业之中。
However, here, our translators almost throw the original lines away and put in local elements. For what? To please the audience? It would just be gilding the lily.
Today, if you ask people why they go to watch Hollywood films, the answers might include: A-list actors, excellent stories and spectacular effects–probably not too many Chinese elements.
So, it's bizarre when you see popular online terms popping up in Chinese subtitles. It's as if foreign visitors came to Beijing to see hutong and courtyard houses, but the guide takes them to see skyscrapers and shopping malls. What's the point?
It's the same when it comes to translating Hollywood films. A smart translator knows how to adjust the dialogue to Chinese grammar and reading habits. Those who overdo their creativity in translating are being too smart.
Please show some respect for the screenwriters and let us enjoy a Hollywood film with its original dialogue.