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双语故事:Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记(5)

编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Pinocchio hugged Geppetto. The old man was happy to see Pinocchio. "I have been inside the whale for two years," he said. "I didn't think I would see you again." Pinocchio was sorry for being so naughty. He said, "I promise to be good, Father. You will be proud of me."


Now, Pinocchio and Geppetto wanted to leave the whale's belly. The whale was sleeping, and its mouth was open. They climbed out of its mouth and swam away. The seashore was far away. Geppetto was very old, and soon, he was tired. Pinocchio tried to help him, but he was too small. Then, a tuna swam up to them.


"How can I help you?" asked the tuna.


"My father is very tired," replied Pinocchio. "Can you carry us to the shore?"


The old man and the puppet climbed onto the tuna's back. He could swim very fast. Soon, they came to the shore. Pinocchio and Geppetto thanked the tuna, and walked to the road. There, they saw the fox and the cat. Now, they really were poor. The cat couldn't see and the fox couldn't walk.


"Please help us," they said. "We have no money or food."


"You always trick and hurt people," said Pinocchio. "Why should anyone help you?"


Pinocchio and Geppetto walked up the road. There, they could see a house. Pinocchio knocked on the door. "Who is it?" said a little voice. It was the cricket. This was his house.


"How could you buy a house? You are only a cricket," said Pinocchio.


"I didn't," said the cricket. "The blue-haired fairy gave it to me."


The cricket let Pinocchio and Geppetto live in his house. Geppetto was very old. He could not work. Pinocchio found a job on a farm. He worked hard every day. He needed to make money.





