Millions take a fish oil supplement every day to ease aching joints, but until now scientists could not find hard evidence to prove it had any real benefits.
A two-year study has shown that even taking a low dose can reduce the pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis.
An estimated eight million people in Britain have some degree of osteoarthritis, caused by wear and tear on joints, such as the hips, knees and wrists, where the cartilage that cushions bone movement has broken down.
Bones then come into contact, and the friction makes joints swollen and extremely painful.
There is no cure and many sufferers rely on anti-inflammatory painkillers, although these can damage the stomach when used long-term.
Researchers, from several universities and hospitals in Australia and Tasmania, have now shown that not only does fish oil ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis, but low doses may actually be more effective than large ones.
They studied 200 patients with an average age of 60 and discovered that those on a low dose had double the reduction in knee pain of patients on higher doses. They also saw significantly greater improvements in their mobility.
In a report on their findings the researchers said that "high doses were not superior to low doses" but they were still unsure why.