20 years after defeat in America, the British found themselves ruling millions in Asia.
They hadn't planned it, they hadn't even dreamed it was possible. Why would they?
Ever since the British had first come to India, early in the 17th century, they thought of nothing but trade.
Their only presence was the East India Company, a commercial body there to make a profit.
From toeholds on the south-east and western coasts, they bought brilliantly-printed silks and cottons and shipped them home,
where the parlours and bodies of the polite classes were suddenly transformed by splashes of Indian colour.
A nice little business, but anything more ambitious was out of the question, for there already was an empire in India, one of the most spectacular in the world. The Mughals.
The Moslem descendants of the Mongol conquerors of Asia. At their head was the Emperor in Delhi.
Across the land, a network of governors loyal to him, the Nawabs. They had to give their permission for the East India Company to be there at all.
To the Mughals, the British merchants were just extra pocket money, supplying silver to take Indian goods home.
No more than a gnat on the elephant's rump, specks of bothersome dust on the Emperor's peacock throne.
But in 1739, that throne disappeared in the plunder taken by Persian invaders when they sacked Delhi and slaughtered its inhabitants.
In the decades that followed, other invaders, Afghans from the north-west, rode deep into the Indian heartland waging war and fighting battles on an unimaginable scale.
The gorgeous fabric of the Mughal Empire frayed and tore.

Left to their own devices, the Nawabs took advantage of Delhi's weakness, raising their own armies, creating their own mini-states.
18th-century Mughal India was not some howling anarchy, begging for the British to come in and stop the rot.
It was a patchwork of successor states, busy, elegant, robust, and vigorous, many of them still using Persian law and Persian court style.
And it was these up and coming states, not the decadent or corrupt petty kingdoms which the British always complained about,
into which the East India Company smashed its way with a ferocious, unstoppable mixture of arrogance, ignorance and political cunning.
No one in Delhi saw it coming, no one in London wanted it, but then enter the French, enter trouble.
It was the 1740s. Anglo-French rivalry was going global.
What the French had been doing with native North American tribes, getting mixed up in their wars and alliances to steal a march on their rivals, they would now do in the Asian subcontinent.
From Pondicherry, their base in the south, the French jumped into Indian politics,
learning that a well-engineered coup could replace a neutral local governor with a tame Nawab, one who would not just help their business prospects, but shut out the British.
So the British had little choice but to join in this game of trump the Nawab.
To act was risky, but failure to act was commercial suicide.