The two world wars changed all that, but authors born before the cataclysms retained their concept of what a novel should be and do.
Reconciling beliefs nurtured in a stable world with an unstable one produced towering works.
For example, “The Magic Mountain” (1924) by Thomas Mann, a German writer, is a long series of digressions and meditations that “preserves an image of unity by telling the story, down to the last detail, of a world whose pieces no longer come together”, writes Mr Frank.
“In Search of Lost Time” by Marcel Proust did something similar.
Despite its languid tone and convoluted sentences, it has at its centre a desire to remember and tell readers everything about a vanished world (including the transporting aroma of madeleines).
Vasily Grossman, a Soviet writer, displayed the same encyclopedic bent in two works, “Stalingrad” and “Life and Fate”, which are among the most ambitious and best fiction written about the second world war.
Penned in a plain style and a self-conscious attempt to mirror “War and Peace”, Russia’s greatest novel from the 19th century, his writing fell foul of censors (who wanted him, among other things, to remove a sympathetic Jewish character).
Grossman died in 1964; “Life and Fate” would not be published in Russia for another 24 years.
After the war, Mr Frank’s survey turns almost perversely idiosyncratic.
He mentions great writers including Saul Bellow, Toni Morrison and Philip Roth only in passing, yet devotes an entire chapter to the banal, unreadable “Life: A User’s Manual” by Georges Perec, a French novelist.
Still, one of the pleasures of reading “Stranger Than Fiction” is arguing with it.
And the number of impassioned arguments that this book starts proves that the literary novel is not dead to everyone.
Nor is it still the unquestioned king of narrative expression.
Television has grown more sophisticated: “The Wire” drew justified comparisons to Charles Dickens.
Millions of books are published each year, but the number of people who read daily for pleasure, as well as the amount of time they read, have been steadily declining.
From 2017 to 2023 Americans aged 15 and older spent just 15-16 minutes a day reading “for personal interest”, 18% less than in 2013-15, according to America’s Bureau of Labour Statistics.
Meanwhile, they watch TV for more than two and a half hours a day, on average.
This century’s novelists will need to grapple with this shift.
Writers in the last century benefited from increased literacy rates, cheap mass production and the rise of chain bookstores, which all helped create a culture more receptive to their works.
Novels could also easily hold their own against films; it is harder now that people have a giant film and TV library in their pockets.
What might a book written in 2124, looking back at the 21st-century literary novel, argue?
That the novel continued to expand its focus outward, by engaging with genre fiction, for instance, as Colson Whitehead and Haruki Murakami do brilliantly; or with nature and science, as Richard Powers and Kim Stanley Robinson do.
Novel-reading will become even more of a niche, worthy hobby, like going to a classical-music concert or ballet today.
The story of the 20th-century novel is one of artistic triumph.
In this century, the novel will experience a different story.