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编辑:Sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • He acknowledges a debt to British comedy, too.
  • 他还承认受到了英国喜剧的影响。
  • From a young age he watched shows like "Blackadder" and "French and Saunders" (while admiring Harith Iskander, the "godfather of stand-up comedy in Malaysia").
  • 他很小的时候就在看《黑爵士》和《弗兰奇与桑德斯》这样的节目(同时还崇拜着“马来西亚单口喜剧之父”哈利夫·伊斯干达)。
  • Comedy was a safe haven during tough years at a Chinese school, where there was a "constant threat of physical pain" from corporal punishment.
  • 喜剧曾是一个避风港,那时他在一所中国学校里度过了难熬的几年,在那里体罚带来“身体疼痛的威胁持续存在”。
  • This period shaped his career in another way.
  • 这一时期以另一种方式塑造了他的职业生涯。
  • "I became really introverted and quite afraid of speaking out," he says, leaning back and closing his eyes, as if recoiling from the memory.
  • “我变得非常内向,非常害怕发言,”他说着,向后靠了靠,闭上了眼睛,仿佛在躲避这段记忆。
  • "Then finding stand-up, it was this form of communication that I thought I could do.
  • “然后我发现了单口喜剧,这是一种我认为我可以交流的方式。
  • I felt I could earn the right to speak by writing something funny."
  • 我感到我可以通过写一些有趣的东西来赢得发言权。”
  • Moving back to Britain in his teens, Mr Wang took part in his first comedy night at school.
  • 菲尔·王十几岁时搬回了英国,在学校参加了他的第一个喜剧之夜。
  • Most of the material was borrowed: "I didn't realise at the time you had to write your own jokes."
  • 大部分素材都是借用别人的:“我当时没有意识到,你得自己写段子。”
  • He went on to Cambridge University, which had a thriving comedy scene, and became president of the Footlights, an incubator of entertainment greats including Eric Idle and Hugh Laurie.
  • 他接着去了情景喜剧发展繁荣的剑桥大学,并成为了Footlights社团的主席,这里培养出了包括埃里克·伊德和休·劳瑞在内的娱乐界大师。
  • In 2010 he won the prestigious Chortle Student Comedy Awards.
  • 2010年,他获得了享有盛誉的“Chortle学生喜剧奖”。
  • Steve Bennett, editor of Chortle, a comedy website, recalls his cool delivery, self-deprecating jokes and "intricate, detached wordplay".
  • 喜剧网站Chortle的编辑史蒂夫·贝内特回忆到他冷静的表演风格、自嘲的段子和“复杂精妙的、超然的文字游戏”。
  • That accolade helped Mr Wang make comedy a full-time job.
  • 这份荣誉帮助菲尔·王把喜剧变成了一份全职工作。
  • He has since appeared on assorted television and radio programmes and, alongside his stand-up gigs, performed with a sketch group called Daphne.
  • 自那以后,他便出现在各种电视和广播节目中,除了他的单口喜剧表演之外,他还和一个叫Daphne的幽默短剧团队一起表演。
  • He has encountered bigots as well as fans.
  • 他遇到过偏执狂,也遇到过粉丝。
  • In one painful passage in "Side splitter", he describes how a woman in the audience once loudly announced that he was unattractive because of his ethnicity.
  • 他在“Side splitter”中描述了这么一段痛苦的经历,一位女性听众曾大声宣布,他因他的种族特点而毫无魅力。
  • The incident confirmed his comic vocation, he says, making him even surer "that British society would benefit from an outspoken East Asian making jokes about himself from a place of authority".
  • 他说,这个插曲证实了他的喜剧才能,使他更加确信“英国社会将受益于一个直言不讳的东亚人在一个权威的地方拿自己开玩笑”。
  • Mr Novellie, his collaborator on "BudPod", likens Mr Wang's ability to take on subjects such as race to that of American counterparts such as Dave Chapelle.
  • 他的“BudPod”播客合作者诺维利先生认为,菲尔·王呈现种族这类犀利问题的能力可以与戴夫·夏贝尔等美国同行相媲美。
  • As well as their joint interest in history, films, games and scatological mishaps, Mr Novellie -- who was born in South Africa and brought up on the Isle of Man -- suggests he and Mr Wang share an "outside perspective".
  • 除了他们在历史、电影、游戏和庸俗事故方面的共同兴趣外,诺维利——出生于南非,在马恩岛长大——表示,他和菲尔·王有着共同的“外部视角”。
  • That means that when they discuss subjects like the Elgin Marbles, ancient Greek sculptures currently held in the British Museum, they are not constrained by the sense of national embarrassment that many of their liberal peers exude.
  • 这意味着,当他们讨论像埃尔金石雕——目前被收藏在大英博物馆的古希腊雕塑——这样的话题时,他们不会像他们的自由派同行那样,受限于那种国家尴尬感。
  • For his part, Mr Wang denies that comedy has a political duty.
  • 就菲尔·王而言,他否认喜剧有政治责任。
  • He says he mostly strives to entertain, encourage listeners to take themselves less seriously and point out jarring truths -- such as, in his bit about impressions, Chinese people being considered a "very vulnerable minority" in Britain while also being linked to a "globally very powerful" country.
  • 他说,他主要是努力娱乐听众,鼓励听众别太把自己当回事,并指出一些令人不快的事实——比如,在他关于模仿的那部分内容中,中国人在英国被认为是“非常脆弱的少数群体”,同时又属于一个“在全球范围内都非常强大”的国家。
  • Yet, intentionally or otherwise, he is a subtle champion of nuance and balance.
  • 然而,有意或无意地,他都在不露声色地捍卫着细微差别与平衡。
  • He uses the set-ups of jokes, and the sudden switch of a punchline, to undermine preconceptions about people and places.
  • 他利用段子的结构以及笑点的突然切换来打破大家对一些人们和地域先入为主的观念。
  • Perhaps, he says, the gags would come easier if he were more polemical.
  • 他说,或许,如果他更好辩一些,那些段子就会更容易响。
  • "It's much more funny to have a really strong opinion about something and scream about it, than it is to say: ‘But let's look at this from the other perspective'," he concedes.
  • “对某件事有非常强烈的看法并就此大声嚷嚷,比说‘但让我们从另一个角度来看这件事’要好笑得多,”他承认道。
  • "But I don't. I can't."
  • “但我没有这样做。我不能这样做。”


He acknowledges a debt to British comedy, too.


From a young age he watched shows like "Blackadder" and "French and Saunders" (while admiring Harith Iskander, the "godfather of stand-up comedy in Malaysia").


Comedy was a safe haven during tough years at a Chinese school, where there was a "constant threat of physical pain" from corporal punishment.


This period shaped his career in another way.


"I became really introverted and quite afraid of speaking out," he says, leaning back and closing his eyes, as if recoiling from the memory.


"Then finding stand-up, it was this form of communication that I thought I could do.


I felt I could earn the right to speak by writing something funny."


Moving back to Britain in his teens, Mr Wang took part in his first comedy night at school.


Most of the material was borrowed: "I didn't realise at the time you had to write your own jokes."


He went on to Cambridge University, which had a thriving comedy scene, and became president of the Footlights, an incubator of entertainment greats including Eric Idle and Hugh Laurie.


In 2010 he won the prestigious Chortle Student Comedy Awards.


Steve Bennett, editor of Chortle, a comedy website, recalls his cool delivery, self-deprecating jokes and "intricate, detached wordplay".


That accolade helped Mr Wang make comedy a full-time job.


He has since appeared on assorted television and radio programmes and, alongside his stand-up gigs, performed with a sketch group called Daphne.


He has encountered bigots as well as fans.


In one painful passage in "Side splitter", he describes how a woman in the audience once loudly announced that he was unattractive because of his ethnicity.

他在“Side splitter”中描述了这么一段痛苦的经历,一位女性听众曾大声宣布,他因他的种族特点而毫无魅力。

The incident confirmed his comic vocation, he says, making him even surer "that British society would benefit from an outspoken East Asian making jokes about himself from a place of authority".


Mr Novellie, his collaborator on "BudPod", likens Mr Wang's ability to take on subjects such as race to that of American counterparts such as Dave Chapelle.


As well as their joint interest in history, films, games and scatological mishaps, Mr Novellie -- who was born in South Africa and brought up on the Isle of Man -- suggests he and Mr Wang share an "outside perspective".


That means that when they discuss subjects like the Elgin Marbles, ancient Greek sculptures currently held in the British Museum, they are not constrained by the sense of national embarrassment that many of their liberal peers exude.


For his part, Mr Wang denies that comedy has a political duty.


He says he mostly strives to entertain, encourage listeners to take themselves less seriously and point out jarring truths -- such as, in his bit about impressions, Chinese people being considered a "very vulnerable minority" in Britain while also being linked to a "globally very powerful" country.


Yet, intentionally or otherwise, he is a subtle champion of nuance and balance.


He uses the set-ups of jokes, and the sudden switch of a punchline, to undermine preconceptions about people and places.


Perhaps, he says, the gags would come easier if he were more polemical.


"It's much more funny to have a really strong opinion about something and scream about it, than it is to say: ‘But let's look at this from the other perspective’," he concedes.


"But I don't. I can't."



重点单词   查看全部解释    
nuance [nju:'ɑ:ns]


n. 配色,色调,细微差别

outspoken [aut'spəukən]


adj. 直言无讳的,坦率的 动词outspeak的过去

vocation [vəu'keiʃən]


n. 职业,行业,职务

introverted [,intrəu'və:tid]


adj. 内向的 v. 使内翻;使...内向(intro

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

incubator ['inkjubeitə]


n. 孵卵器,早产儿保育器

detached [di'tætʃt]


adj. 超然的,分离的,独立的



n. 合作者;勾结者;通敌者

intentionally [in'tenʃənli]


adv. 有意地,故意地





