Are You Scared To Be Single?
Too many people run back to the last person they were with because they're scared of being single—even though it can be a life-changing experience. "It can actually be a time to learn more about oneself and experience the greatest self-growth,”psychotherapist Mary Beth Somich tells Bustle.“Feeling lonely as a result of being single can actually inspire individuals to have new experiences that they would not have put themselves out there for otherwise."
太多的人是因为害怕单身才回到前任身边,尽管这项决定可能会影响他们的一生。心理学家玛丽•贝思•索密克告诉Bustle:“单身实际上是一个了解自我与自我成长的绝佳机会。 当人们因单身而感到孤独时,实际上会促使他们去体验恋爱时不会尝试的新鲜经历。”
Getting back together may feel like a good idea, and sometimes it is. Sometimes. Make sure you're taking a long, hard look at your past relationship and your reasons for wanting to get back together before you jump into anything.