Tesla Inc issued an apology on Tuesday night amid mounting criticism from Chinese media and customers over its handling of the incident in which a woman stormed its booth at the Shanghai Auto Show and claimed that the carmaker's brakes do not work.
Shanghai Auto Show是上海车展;brakes do not work指刹车失灵。
特斯拉在致歉声明中表示,公司将努力改善与客户的沟通和服务(improve its communication and service to customers)。
声明写道,“特斯拉尊重并坚定服从政府各相关部门的决定(respects and firmly obeys all decisions of related departments),尊重消费者(respects customers),遵守法律法规(obeys the law and rules),坚决坚定地积极配合政府各相关部门的所有调查(firmly and actively coordinate with related department for the investigation)。”
特斯拉指出,“我们已成立专门处理小组(task force),专事专办,努力在合规合法(in line with the law)的情况下,尽全力的满足车主诉求(the claims by our customers),争取让车主满意(achieve an outcome that pleases the customers)。”
这一道歉标志着这家美国电动汽车制造商(electric car manufacturer)立场的转变,此前,特斯拉一名总裁曾称,“特斯拉近期的负面都是该客户贡献的(the customer has contributed to most of the negative news of Tesla recently),我们没有办法妥协(compromise)。”
周一,上海车展首日,两女子在特斯拉展台维权,其中一名女子身着白底红字、印着“刹车失灵”(The brakes don't work)字样T恤衫的女子,爬上展台一辆特斯拉车顶(climbing atop of one Tesla’s display vehicles),该视频迅速走红。