Let them eat Christmas cake
Don’t make seasonal festivities too formal
Everyone feels like winding down in December. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas, the New Year is approaching and most people take a few days’ break. In many workplaces this feeling of “mission accomplished” is accompanied by an established tradition: the office party.
In boom times these can be truly lavish affairs. Robbie Williams sang at Deutsche Bank’s global-equities party in 2001. A Bloomberg event in 2000, based on the seven deadly sins, was said to have cost £1m (then $1.5m). At the “Googlympus” in 2006, the internet group had tents named after different Greek gods while staff amused themselves at the “wine cork shooting gallery”.
Googlympus 派对上,谷歌互联网集团用希腊诸神的名字为帐篷命名,员工们则在“葡萄酒软木射击馆”自娱自乐。
Few companies today desire the publicity that tends to follow such events. The natural question is, if you are spending that amount on a party, how much are you charging clients? Companies are rightly more sensitive than they were about the risks involved when workers lose their inhibitions after consuming too much alcohol. A survey of American companies by the suitably named Challenger Gray & Christmas, an outplacement firm, found that 59% had discussed, or planned to discuss, the dangers of “inappropriate celebrating” with staff.
如今,很少有公司希望在此类活动上得到公众关注。一个很自然的问题是,如果你在聚会上花了这么多钱,你会向客户收取多少费用?当员工在饮酒过量后失去自控能力时,企业对相关风险的敏感程度理应高于以往。美国就业顾问公司 Challenger Gray & Christmas 对美国公司进行的一项调查发现,59%的公司已经或计划讨论员工“不恰当庆祝”的危害。
To avoid these dangers, the chief operating officer of BDO, an accountancy firm, has suggested that two chaperones attend seasonal celebrations, along with first-aiders. Other accounting firms have suggested holding daytime events rather than after-hours drinks parties.
There is a lot to be said for daytime celebrations. First, it makes attendance easier for anyone caring for small children, or elderly relatives, and who thus finds it difficult to stay out late. Second, people are likely to be a bit more restrained in their alcohol consumption at lunchtime than in the evenings. And third, celebrating during working hours feels like a genuine break from duties; attending after work seems more like an obligation.
Most workers don’t expect their seasonal event to turn into a Bacchanal; they are just hoping to avoid tedium. A survey of British office workers in 2014 found that only a quarter looked forward to their Christmas event and 71% would rather have a small cash bonus than a knees-up.
大多数工人并不指望他们的年会变成狂欢;他们只希望避免单调乏味。2014年对英国办公室职员的一项调查发现,只有25% 的人期待圣诞节,71% 的人宁愿要小额现金奖金,也不愿狂欢聚会。