Police from Foshan's Nanhai district of South China's Guangdong province have detained a total of 19 staff members from a local meat company for further investigation for slaughtering dead pigs and selling the pork on Tuesday.
slaughter dead pigs指屠宰病死猪。
周三,佛山市南海区政府表示,在获悉情况后,南海区公安、农业、市场监管(marketing supervision)等相关部门(relevant departments)已赶赴现场,成立事件调查处置工作组(task force)展开调查。
上周六,媒体报道,南海合谊肉联有限公司涉嫌(be suspected of)交易和屠宰、出场病死猪肉。目前,执法人员(law enforcers)已在该公司启动现场调查(on-the-spot investigation)。
周一,南海区农业农村局(bureau of agriculture and rural affairs)向南海合谊肉联有限公司发出责令停业整顿通知书。
区政府表示,对此次事件,南海区将彻查到底(investigate the case to its fullest extent),从严从重处理,依法追究相关人员责任(punish those found to have violated relevant regulations and rules according to the law)。
下一步,南海区将组织开展食品安全大排查(food safety inspection)、大整治及生猪屠宰专项整治百日行动,强化监管(supervision),严肃查处违法行为(illegal activities),确保卫生安全肉品供应。