The average age at which Shanghai residents tie the knot has been increasing since 2010, with the average for men and women rising to 30.65 and 28.81 respectively in 2018, according to the report released by the Chinese Communist Youth League Shanghai Committee on August 7.
tie the knot是结婚。
依据4902名单身人士(single)回答的问卷,报告指出,2010年,男女平均初婚年龄(average age at which men and women had gotten married)分别为28.83岁和26.51岁。
报告显示,只有9.21%的受访者(respondents)明确表示不想结婚,但是有50.31%人表示暂时(for the time being)不想结婚。
相比婚姻,年轻人更渴望(eager)收获自由的恋爱(in a relationship)。在调查中,自己主观想找对象(wish to be in a relationship)的未婚男女占66.63%;父母亲戚催婚的占62.33%。
报告还指出,未婚青年择偶条件的选择中排名前三的是长相(appearance)、性格脾气(character)和情投意合(similarity in beliefs),其余焦点集中于对方个人的品质,21.76%的青年把性格脾气(personality and temperament)作为择偶的首要因素,对于传统意义上的收入(income)、年龄、学历(education background)等并不是特别在意。
在找对象上,未婚青年更愿意亲力亲为(find a life partner themselves),而不希望朋友或父母帮忙介绍。