A fight between the bus driver and an angry passenger caused the Chongqing bus to plunge into Yangtze River on Sunday, which left 13 people dead and 2 missing, said Chongqing police said on Friday morning.
a fight between the bus driver and an angry passenger是公交司机与一名愤怒乘客发生争执。
据公交车内黑匣子(black-box)监控视频显示,48岁的女乘客(female passenger)刘某因坐过站(missed her stop)要求司机停车。
42岁的公交司机(bus driver)冉某拒绝停车,刘某遂两次持手机攻击正在驾驶的冉某头部(hit the driver’s head with her cell phone)。二人争执导致车辆失控(lost control of the bus)向左偏离越过中心实线,与对向正常行驶的红色小轿车相撞后,冲上路沿、撞断护栏(broke through a guardrail)坠入江中(plunged into the river)。
事发时,车上载有15名乘客(15 passengers on board)。
坠江公交车于周三晚上打捞出水(lifted out of water)。
律师表示,遇难者家属(the family of the victims)有权向公交公司(bus operator)和女乘客家属索赔(seek compensation)。