Jinan city has failed to shed its unwanted title as "the most congested Chinese city". For people living in the capital city of East China's Shandong province, they have to allow an extra 30 minutes during morning and evening rush hours, according to a report on transportation conditions in major Chinese cities in the first quarter of 2017.
morning and evening rush hours是早晚高峰时段;transportation conditions是交通状况;capital city是省会。
高德地图发布的报告显示,中国二三线城市(second and third-tier cities)城市拥堵(traffic congestion)加剧,而一线城市拥堵缓解(ease)。
报告指出,由于共享单车(shared-bicycle)骑行者的增加,一线城市5公里以内(the roads within 5 kilometers)自驾、网约车出行趋势明显下降。
由于受降雪(downfalls of snow)影响,三线城市呼和浩特进入拥堵城市(traffic-clogged cities)排行榜的前三名,高峰拥堵(rush-hour congestion)延时指数(time-delay index)达到了1.91。
深圳和杭州在缓解拥堵(ease congestion)上取得了重大进步,两座城市均跌出(drop out of)前十。