Question 5. M: How much longer should I boil these vegetables?
问题5 男:我还要花多少时间煮这些蔬菜?
The recipe says about 10 minutes in total.
W: They look pretty done to me.
I doubt you should cook them anymore.
Q: What does the woman mean?
Question 6. W: Tom, are you going to your parents house tonight?
问题6 女:Tom,你今晚回你父母那里吗?
M: Yes. I promised to help them figure out their tax returns.
The tax code is really confusing to them.
Q: What is the man going to do for his parents?
Question 7. W: I was surprised when I heard youd finished your research project a whole month early.
问题7 女:当我听到你已经提前一个月完成了你的研究项目时,我真的很惊讶。
M: How I managed to do it is still a mystery to me.
Q: What does the man mean?
Question 8. W: I was hoping we could be in the same developmental psychology class.
问题8 女:我真希望我们能在同一个班级上发展心理学。
M: Me, too. But by the time I went for registration, the course was closed.
Q: What does the man mean?