【考法 1】 n. 机敏,精明,不冒犯: a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
【例】 She talked to her neighbor with supreme tact. 她和邻居说话语调十分圆滑。
【近】 diplomacy
【反】 clumsiness, insensitivity, tactlessness 笨拙
【考法 1】 adj. 有触觉的,能触知的: perceptible by touch: tangible
【例】 The thick brushstrokes give the painting a tactile quality. 粘稠的笔触给了这幅画一种厚实的感觉。
【考法 1】 adj. 不机智的,笨拙的: bluntly inconsiderate or indiscreet.
【例】 tactless comments 不明智的评论
【近】 graceless, ill-advised, imprudent, indelicate, injudicious, undiplomatic
【反】 advisable, discreet, judicious, prudent, tactful, wise 小心谨慎的,明智的
【考法 1】 n. 护身符: something worn or kept to bring good luck or keep away evil
【例】 A pendant of white nephrite jade is often worn by Indians as a talisman to ward off heart disease. 印度人通常戴一串软玉项链防止心脏病发作。
【近】 amulet, fetish, mascot, mojo, periapt, phylactery
【考法 1】 vt. (品质)污损: to affect slightly with something morally bad or undesirable
【例】 A tendency toward conceitedness taints that athlete's status as a role model. 该运动员自负的倾向玷污了其行为模范的地位。
【近】 blemish, darken, mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate
【派】 tainted 污损的
【反】 pristine, unspoiled, wholesome, unadulterated 纯洁的,健全的
【考法 1】 vi. 恶意窜改,损害: to handle thoughtlessly, ignorantly, or mischievously
【例】 tamper with tradition 坏了规矩
【近】 diddle with, fiddle with, fool with, mess with
【考法 2】 v. 玩弄: to tinker with rashly or foolishly
【例】 Don't tamper with my feelings. 不要玩弄我的感情。
【考法 1】n. / adj. 离题(的),不相关(的): diverging from an original purpose of course: irrelevant
【例】 tangent remarks 不相关的评论
【近】 excursive, digressive
【反】 essential 重要的
【考法 1】 adj. 可感知的: capable of being perceived
【近】 palpable, touchable
【反】 impalpable, intangible, unable to perceive 无法感知的
【考法 2】 adj. 确凿的,真实的: possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete
【例】 tangible evidence 确凿的证据
【考法 1】 adj. 刺激的: having a powerfully stimulating odor or flavor
【例】 a tangy sauce with a strong aftertaste 味道很刺激的酱料,回味无穷
【近】 pungent, strong
【反】 bland, mild, smooth 不刺激的
【考法 1】 vt. 激起,挑逗: to excite (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach
【例】 He was tantalized by the possibility of earning a lot of money quickly. 有人用迅速致富挑逗他。
【反】 comfort, console, solace, alleviate, assuage, relieve, satiate 安慰,缓和
adj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的
n. 水