adj. 值得有的,令人满意的,有吸引力的
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【考法 1】 adj. 蜿蜒的,迂回的: marked by a long series of irregular curves; not direct
【例】 The river flowed in a sinuous path through the lush valley. 蜿蜒曲折的河流流过茂密的山谷。‖
Thirty-year-old men are novel, rich in content and sinuous in plots. 三十岁的男人是小说,内容丰富,情节曲折。
【近】 bending, curling, curved, curving, devious, serpentine, tortuous, twisted, winding, windy
【反】 straight, straightaway 直的,直接的
【考法 1】 vt. (尤指小口地)喝: to swallow in liquid form, especially in small quantities
【例】 slowly sipping the hot soup 慢慢地喝着热汤‖She sipped her coffee while she watched the sun rise. 她一边看着日出,一边喝着她的咖啡。
【近】 gulp, guzzle, hoist, imbibe, quaff, swill
【反】 vomit, throw up 呕吐
【考法 1】 n. 骨架,框架: something forming a structural framework
【例】 Only the charred skeleton of the house remained after the fire. 大火过后整个房子只剩下被烧焦的骨架了。‖We saw a skeleton of the report before it was published. 在报告发表之前,我们看到了他的整体框架。
【近】 architecture, configuration, edifice, fabric, framework, framing, infrastructure, shell, structure
【考法 1】 n. 怀疑者: one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions
【例】 You can either be a skeptic or not, but I believe it anyway. 至于你信不信,我反正信了。
【近】 disbeliever, doubter, questioner, unbeliever
【反】 dupe, gull, pigeon 容易上当受骗的人
【派】 skeptical adj. 持怀疑态度的;skepticism n. 怀疑论
【考法 1】 adj. 缺乏的,不足的: less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable
【例】 The dieter complained about skimp meals that were served at the fat farm. 这个节食者抱怨说减肥疗养地的伙食少得可怜。
【近】 exiguous, meager, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, sparse, stingy
【反】 abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful 大量的,丰富的
【考法 2】 vi. 节省花费,吝啬: to give insufficient or barely sufficient attention or effort to or funds for
【例】 We must skimp and save if we are going to afford a vacation this summer. 要是我们这个夏天要出去旅行,那么就得开始节省出一些钱了。
【近】 pinch, save, scrimp, spare, stint
【反】 dissipate, lavish, prodigalize, squander, waste 浪费,挥霍
【考法 1】 n. 小冲突,争论: a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute
【例】 They had a skirmish over the rules before the debate began. 在辩论开始之前他们就规则而吵了起来。
【近】 altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, hassle, imbroglio, quarrel, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle
【近】 amity, concord, harmony, rapport, rapprochement 和睦,友好
【考法 1】 n. 界限,边界: the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something
【例】 an old shack on the skirts of the town 城镇边界上的一座老房子
【近】 borderline, boundary, circumference, compass, confines, edge, frame, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery,
【反】 center, core, kernel 核心
【考法 2】 vt. 绕行,避开: to go around or keep away from in order to avoid danger or discovery
【例】 skirted the construction zone 绕开建筑工地‖The new bill would make it harder for companies toskirt environmental regulations. 新的规定会增加公司逃脱环境监管的难度。
【近】 bypass, circumvent, detour, shortcut, sidestep
【反】 pursue, seek 追寻
【考法 1】 adj. 松弛的: not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched
【例】 The rope is too slack. 绳子太松了。
【近】 insecure, lax, loosened, relaxed, slackened, unsecured
【反】 taut, tense, tight 拉紧的
【考法 2】 adj. 疏忽的,大意的: failing to give proper care and attention
【例】 This building contractor is known mainly for his firm's slack workmanship and slipshod construction. 这个建筑承包商因其手下公司不负责任的粗糙做工和马虎建造的建筑物而闻名。
【近】 careless, derelict, disregardful, lax, lazy, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, remiss
【反】 attentive, careful, conscientious 专心的;alert, heedful, mindful, observant, regardful, vigilant, wary, watchful 警惕的
【考法 1】 vt. 使满足: to satisfy (a craving); quench
【例】 Mountain climbing has largely slaked my desire for adventure. 登山很大程度上满足了我对探险的渴望。
【近】 assuage, quench, sate, satiate, satisfy
【反】 tantalize, tease 诱惑,挑逗;arouse, excite, pique, stimulate 激起,唤起
【考法 1】 n. (看待问题、思考的)角度,看法: a way of looking at or thinking about something
【例】 an interesting slant on the problem of underage drinking 在青少年饮酒这个问题上一个有趣的视角
【近】 angle, outlook, perspective, standpoint, viewpoint
【考法 2】 adj. 倾斜的: running in a slanting direction
【例】 The computer keyboard has a slightly slant surface so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists. 电脑键盘有一个微小的倾斜角,因此打字不会使手腕感到不适。
【近】 canted, graded, inclined, leaning, listing, oblique, pitched, raked, slanted, sloping, tilting
【反】 perpendicular, plumb, vertical 垂直的;horizontal, level 水平的
【考法 3】 vt. 歪曲(事实等): to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of
【例】 Reporters slanted the truth in order to push a political agenda. 为了推动政治进程,记者们歪曲了事实。
【近】 bend, color, distort, falsify, misinterpret, misrelate, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp
【反】 clarify, clear, elucidate, illuminate, illustrate 澄清,阐明
【考法 1】 adj. 蜿蜒的,迂回的: marked by a long series of irregular curves; not direct
【例】 The river flowed in a sinuous path through the lush valley. 蜿蜒曲折的河流流过茂密的山谷。‖
Thirty-year-old men are novel, rich in content and sinuous in plots. 三十岁的男人是小说,内容丰富,情节曲折。
【近】 bending, curling, curved, curving, devious, serpentine, tortuous, twisted, winding, windy
【反】 straight, straightaway 直的,直接的
【考法 1】 vt. (尤指小口地)喝: to swallow in liquid form, especially in small quantities
【例】 slowly sipping the hot soup 慢慢地喝着热汤‖She sipped her coffee while she watched the sun rise. 她一边看着日出,一边喝着她的咖啡。
【近】 gulp, guzzle, hoist, imbibe, quaff, swill
【反】 vomit, throw up 呕吐
【考法 1】 n. 骨架,框架: something forming a structural framework
【例】 Only the charred skeleton of the house remained after the fire. 大火过后整个房子只剩下被烧焦的骨架了。‖We saw a skeleton of the report before it was published. 在报告发表之前,我们看到了他的整体框架。
【近】 architecture, configuration, edifice, fabric, framework, framing, infrastructure, shell, structure
【考法 1】 n. 怀疑者: one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions
【例】 You can either be a skeptic or not, but I believe it anyway. 至于你信不信,我反正信了。
【近】 disbeliever, doubter, questioner, unbeliever
【反】 dupe, gull, pigeon 容易上当受骗的人
【派】 skeptical adj. 持怀疑态度的;skepticism n. 怀疑论
【考法 1】 adj. 缺乏的,不足的: less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable
【例】 The dieter complained about skimp meals that were served at the fat farm. 这个节食者抱怨说减肥疗养地的伙食少得可怜。
【近】 exiguous, meager, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, sparse, stingy
【反】 abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful 大量的,丰富的
【考法 2】 vi. 节省花费,吝啬: to give insufficient or barely sufficient attention or effort to or funds for
【例】 We must skimp and save if we are going to afford a vacation this summer. 要是我们这个夏天要出去旅行,那么就得开始节省出一些钱了。
【近】 pinch, save, scrimp, spare, stint
【反】 dissipate, lavish, prodigalize, squander, waste 浪费,挥霍
【考法 1】 n. 小冲突,争论: a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute
【例】 They had a skirmish over the rules before the debate began. 在辩论开始之前他们就规则而吵了起来。
【近】 altercation, controversy, disagreement, dispute, hassle, imbroglio, quarrel, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle
【近】 amity, concord, harmony, rapport, rapprochement 和睦,友好
【考法 1】 n. 界限,边界: the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something
【例】 an old shack on the skirts of the town 城镇边界上的一座老房子
【近】 borderline, boundary, circumference, compass, confines, edge, frame, fringe, margin, perimeter, periphery,
【反】 center, core, kernel 核心
【考法 2】 vt. 绕行,避开: to go around or keep away from in order to avoid danger or discovery
【例】 skirted the construction zone 绕开建筑工地‖The new bill would make it harder for companies toskirt environmental regulations. 新的规定会增加公司逃脱环境监管的难度。
【近】 bypass, circumvent, detour, shortcut, sidestep
【反】 pursue, seek 追寻
【考法 1】 adj. 松弛的: not tightly fastened, tied, or stretched
【例】 The rope is too slack. 绳子太松了。
【近】 insecure, lax, loosened, relaxed, slackened, unsecured
【反】 taut, tense, tight 拉紧的
【考法 2】 adj. 疏忽的,大意的: failing to give proper care and attention
【例】 This building contractor is known mainly for his firm's slack workmanship and slipshod construction. 这个建筑承包商因其手下公司不负责任的粗糙做工和马虎建造的建筑物而闻名。
【近】 careless, derelict, disregardful, lax, lazy, neglectful, neglecting, negligent, remiss
【反】 attentive, careful, conscientious 专心的;alert, heedful, mindful, observant, regardful, vigilant, wary, watchful 警惕的
【考法 1】 vt. 使满足: to satisfy (a craving); quench
【例】 Mountain climbing has largely slaked my desire for adventure. 登山很大程度上满足了我对探险的渴望。
【近】 assuage, quench, sate, satiate, satisfy
【反】 tantalize, tease 诱惑,挑逗;arouse, excite, pique, stimulate 激起,唤起
【考法 1】 n. (看待问题、思考的)角度,看法: a way of looking at or thinking about something
【例】 an interesting slant on the problem of underage drinking 在青少年饮酒这个问题上一个有趣的视角
【近】 angle, outlook, perspective, standpoint, viewpoint
【考法 2】 adj. 倾斜的: running in a slanting direction
【例】 The computer keyboard has a slightly slant surface so that typing is more comfortable for the wrists. 电脑键盘有一个微小的倾斜角,因此打字不会使手腕感到不适。
【近】 canted, graded, inclined, leaning, listing, oblique, pitched, raked, slanted, sloping, tilting
【反】 perpendicular, plumb, vertical 垂直的;horizontal, level 水平的
【考法 3】 vt. 歪曲(事实等): to change so much as to create a wrong impression or alter the meaning of
【例】 Reporters slanted the truth in order to push a political agenda. 为了推动政治进程,记者们歪曲了事实。
【近】 bend, color, distort, falsify, misinterpret, misrelate, misrepresent, misstate, pervert, twist, warp
【反】 clarify, clear, elucidate, illuminate, illustrate 澄清,阐明

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