【考法 1】 adj. 倒退的: moving or tending backward
【例】 This is a retrograde step and you will regret it. 这是后退的一步,你以后肯定会后悔的。
【近】 backward, receding, regressive, reversed, withdrawing
【反】 progressive 前进的
【考法 2】 v. 退步,退化: to decline to a worse condition
【例】 The Dark Ages is the period following the fall of the Roman Empire when Western civilization seriously retrograded. “黑暗时代”指的是罗马帝国崩溃之后,西方文明严重退步的一个历史时期。
【近】 atrophy, crumble, decay, decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, ebb, regress, rot, sink, worsen
【近】 ameliorate, improve, meliorate 改善
【考法 1】 adj. 回顾的: looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past
【例】 a retrospective glance at my youth 朝我少年时代投去的回顾性一瞥
【近】 backward
【反】 anticipatory 预想的;prospective 预期的,未来的
【考法 1】 n. 狂欢,喧闹的作乐: noisy partying or merrymaking
【例】 They were exhausted after the night of revelry. 一夜狂欢后大家都筋疲力尽
【近】 conviviality, festivity, gaiety, jollity, merriment, rejoicing, revel, whoopee
【反】 gloom, grief, melancholy, misery, mournfulness, sorrow, woe 悲哀,哀痛
【考法 1】 n. 报复,复仇: an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even
【例】 Both sides were determined to get revenge for losses and showed little interest in ending the feud. 双方都下定决心要为失去的东西报仇,对于结束他们之间的世仇毫无兴趣。‖The bombing was in revenge for the assassination of their leader. 此次轰炸是对暗杀他们领袖的报复行动。
【近】 avengement, payback, reprisal, requital, retaliation, retribution, vengeance
【反】 forgiveness, pardon 饶恕,原谅
【考法 2】 vt. 复仇: to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating in kind or degree
【例】 He finally revenged the death of his brother. 他终于为兄弟的死报了仇。
【近】 avenge, redress, requite, retaliate
【反】 absolve, condone, forgive, pardon 原谅,宽恕
【考法 1】 vt. (尤指对神的)尊崇,尊敬: to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power
【例】 He is revered for his valor. 他因为他的英勇而受到尊敬。‖ In some cultures people revere their ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them. 在一些文化当中,人们非常敬重先人,甚至将一些食物留下来供他们享用。
【近】 adore, deify, glorify, esteem, regard, respect, venerate, worship
【反】 blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate 亵渎
【派】 reverence n. 尊重;reverent adj. 恭敬地,虔诚的
【考法 1】 vt. 更改,修正: to look over again in order to correct or improve
【例】 There are many problems involved in revising a dictionary. 修正字典会牵涉到诸多问题。‖With the snow, we'll need to revise our travel plans. 因为下雪了,我们不得不更改旅游计划。
【近】 amend, correct, emend, polish, redraft, refine, rework, upgrade
【反】 discard 丢弃,抛弃
【派】 revision n. 修改
【考法 1】 vi. 恢复意识: to return to consciousness or life, become flourishing again
【例】 successfully revived him with artificial respiration 用人工呼吸使成功他恢复意识
【近】 come around
【反】 faint, black out 昏迷,失去知觉
【考法 2】 v. 再获新生: become active or flourishing again
【例】 Around midnight, I usually need to revive myself with a cup of strong coffee. 在午夜时分,我需要一杯浓咖啡来提神。‖The success of the movie has revived her career. 这部电影的成功让他的事业焕发第二春。
【近】 reanimate, recharge, refresh, rejuvenate, rekindle, renew, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revivify
【反】 degenerate, deteriorate, worsen 衰退,恶化
【派】 revival n. 复苏
【考法 1】 vt. 撤回,宣告无效: to annul by recalling or taking back
【例】 to revoke a will 废除遗嘱
【近】 abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, recall, repeal, revoke, void
【反】 establish, enact 建立;continue, keep 维持,保持
【派】 revocation n. 撤销,废除
【考法 1】 vt. 使厌恶,反感: to fill with disgust or abhorrence
【例】 The smell of seafood revolts him. 他对海鲜的腥味十分反感。
【近】 disgust, nauseate, repel, repulse, sicken
【反】 allure, attract, bewitch, captivate, charm, enchant, entice, fascinate, lure, seduce, tempt 吸引,诱惑
【考法 2】 vi. 反叛: to renounce allegiance or subjection (as to a government)
【例】 The revolted against the dictator by burning his palace. 他们通过焚烧宫殿来对抗独裁者。
【近】 defy, insurrect, mutiny, oppose, rebel, resist
【反】 obey, submit 遵从,服从
【派】 revolter n. 反叛者
【考法 1】 adj. 举止、言语下流粗俗的: characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd humor
【例】 entertained the guests with ribald jokes 用荤段子来取悦客人
【近】 bawdy, blue, coarse, crude, dirty, filthy, gross, indecent, nasty, obscene, pornographic, profane, vulgar
【反】 decent, proper, seemly 恰当的,得体的
n. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌
v. (使)陶