Located in northwestern Hunan Province,the Wulingyuan Scenic Area consists of three parts:Zhangjiajie National Park,Suoxiyu Nature Reserve and Tianzi Mountain Natural Reserve,covering a total area of 350 square kilometers.
The scenic area is distinguished for the quartzite sandstone peaks rare in the world,and well known for its five wonders of spectacular peaks,grotesque rocks,secluded ravines,graceful waters,and Karst caves.In addition,there are also dense forests,diversified streams and brooks,capricious mists,and plain pastoral landscape,to form the enchanting multi-dimensional scenery.
Wulingyuan is also a treasure house of plants and animals. The vertical distribution of the plants is distinctive with intact flora and balanced ecological system preserving a great number of rare plants and the botanic resources only found in China. The vegetation coverage is 88%。with over 3 000 species of higher plants,including woody plants in 107 families,250 genus,and more than 700 species, and 35 species are inscribed in the Protective list of Rare and Endangered Plant Species in China as the first group under key protection. As for the fauna in the area,there are 116 species of land vertebrates in 50 families,of which 3 species are under Class I state protection,10 under Class II state protection,and 17 under Class III state protection.
武陵源还是个生物宝库。区内植物垂直带谱明显,群落结构完整,生态系统平衡,蕴藏着众多古老珍贵的植物和中国特有植物资源,森林覆盖率达88%。高等植物有3000余种,其中木本植物有107科、250属、700余种,首批列入中国珍稀濒危保护植物名录》的重点保护植物有 35种。陆生脊椎动物有50科、116种,属国家一级保护动物的有三种、国家二级保护动物的有10种、国家三级保护动物的有17种。
There are also streams,brooks,springs,lakes and waterfalls here in the area.
In 1988,the State Council recognized Wulingyuan as a national key scenic area,approved the establishment of Zhangjiajie City and the People's Government of Wulingyuan District,as a means to safeguard the administration and protection of the scenic area.
The Wulingyuan Scenic area was listed as a world natural heritage in December 1992,and in February20O4,Zhangjiajie National Geopark was approved by UNESCO as a site of the World Geological Parks on its list of World Network of Geoparks.