【考法 1】 n. 打趣: good-natured teasing or exchanging of clever remarks
【例】 Their tongue-in-cheek persiflage is sometimes mistaken for an exchange of insults by people who don't know them. 他们半开玩笑的打趣有时候被不认识他们的人误认为是在互相对骂
【近】 backchat, badinage, chaff, jesting, joshing, raillery, repartee
【考法 1】 n. 坚持,持续: uninterrupted or lasting existence
【近】 The persistenceof the fever for a week caused me great worry. 持续一周的发烧让我很不安
【近】 ceaselessness, continuance, continuity, durability, endurance, subsistence
【反】 cessation, close, end, expiration, finish, stoppage, surcease, termination 停止
【派】 persistent adj. 持续不断的
【考法 1】 adj. 风度翩翩的,吸引人的: pleasing in personality or appearance; attractive
【例】 apparently be attracted by a personable young man 明显被一位风度翩翩的少年迷住了
【近】 alluring, appealing, attractive, captivating, charismatic, charming, comely, enchanting, handsome, pretty
【反】 grotesque, hideous, ugly 丑陋的;homely 相貌平庸的
【考法 1】 adj. 极敏锐的,有洞察力的: having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted
【例】 an impartial and perspicacious judge 一个明镜高悬的法官
【近】 astute, savvy, sharp, sharp-witted, shrewd, smart
【反】 ignorant, oblivious, unknowing 未察觉的,无知的
【派】 perspicacity n. 敏锐,洞察力
【考法 1】 n. 清晰明了: the quality of being perspicuous; clearness and lucidity
【例】 The key of modern enterprise system is the prespicuity of property right. 现代企业制度的核心是产权的明晰
【近】 clarity, clearness, explicitness, lucidity, lucidness, perspicuousness
【反】 obscureness, obscurity, unclarity 模糊不清;ambiguity 模棱两可
【考法 1】 v. 有关联: to have a relation or connection; relate
【例】 new evidence that pertains to the accident 与事故相关的新证据
【近】 appertain, bear, concern, refer, relate
【派】 pertaining adj. 有关系的
【考法 1】 adj. 顽固的,固执地坚持的: sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason,arguments, or persuasion
【例】 The pertinacious boy won't stop crying unless his desire is satisfied. 这个固执的男孩在愿望没有满足的情况下是不会停止哭泣的
【近】 adamant, headstrong, implacable, inflexible, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, perverse, stubborn, willful
【反】 compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding 容易受影响的,容易控制的
【考法 1】 adj. 相关的,恰当的: having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
【例】 He impressed the jury with his concise, pertinent answers to the attorney's questions. 他对律师提出的问题的简洁而恰当的回答给陪审团留下了深刻的印象
【近】 applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, material, pointed, relative, relevant
【反】 extraneous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant, pointless 无关的
【派】 pertinence n. 相关,恰当
【考法 1】 vt. 扰乱,使烦躁不安: to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy
【例】 perturbed me enough to keep me awake that night 让我烦躁到当晚失眠
【近】 agitate, ail, bother, discomfort, discompose, distress, unsettle, upset
【反】 calm, compose, quiet, settle, soothe, tranquilize 使镇定
【派】 perturbation n. 打扰,扰乱
【考法 1】 v. 细读: to read or examine, typically with great care
【例】 perused the manuscript to check for grammatical errors 细读手稿以检查语法错误
【近】 examine, scrutinize
【反】 glance, glimpse, scan, skim 一瞥,迅速浏览
adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的