【考法1】vi./n.缓慢地行进:to go very slowly
【例】creepingthrough the crowd 在人潮中缓慢前行
【近】drag,loiter, tarry
【反】scurry,run 快步走,跑
【考法2】vi.匍匐前进:to move slowly with the body close to the ground
【例】The kittencrept silently across the floor before suddenly pouncing on the mouse. 小猫静静地匍匐穿过
【近】crawl,grovel, slide, slither
【反】swagger 昂首阔步
【考法1】n./v.(声音)渐强:a gradual increase in volumeof a musical passage
【例】Themovement begins with a crescendo of a clarinet. 乐章伴随着渐强的单簧管奏响
【反】decrescendo (声音)渐弱
【考法2】n. (渐强之后到达的)顶峰:the peak of a gradual increase
【例】complaintsabout stifling smog conditions reach a crescendo 对于让人窒息的烟雾的抱怨到达了顶峰
【近】apex, acme,apogee, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith
【反】nadir 最低点
【考法1】n. 顶部,浪尖:the top, as of a hill or wave
【例】on thecrest of a wave 如日中天,非常成功
【近】apex,acme, apogee, climax, peak, pinnacle, summit, zenith
【反】bottom 底部
【考法1】adj. 垂头丧气的,沮丧的:dispirited and depressed;dejected
【例】becrestfallen at the failure 因失败而垂头丧气
【近】downcast,dispirited, low, gloomy, melancholic, sorrowful, woeful
【反】elated,buoyant, excited, exhilarated, exultant 激动的,欢悦的
【考法1】n. 任人唯亲,对好朋友的偏袒:favoritism shown to old friends without regard for theirqualifications
【例】officialspracticing cronyism 任人唯亲的官员
【考法1】v. 使弯曲:to cause to turn away from a straight line
【例】crook yourfinger to pull the trigger 弯曲你的手指来扣动扳机
【近】arch, bow,crook, curve, hook, swerve
【反】straighten, unbend, uncurl 拉直,伸直
【考法1】v. 低声歌唱或说话:to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner
【例】croonmellow tunes 低声唱柔和的调子
【近】whisper,grumble, mumble, murmur
【反】shout,yell 大声喊叫
【考法1】v. 蹲伏:to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs
【例】crouchedbehind a rock and watched vigilantly 蹲伏石头后紧惕地观察
【反】arise,stand 站立
【考法1】adj. 非常重要的,决定性的:extremely significant orimportant
【例】a crucialstep in his professional career 他职业生涯中具有决定性的一步
【近】critical,decisive, key, pivotal, vital
【反】inconsequential, insignificant, trivial 不重要的
【考法1】v. 弄皱:to press, bend, or crush out of shape
【例】crumple apiece of paper 弄皱一张纸
【近】rumple,crimple, crease, fold, wrinkle
【反】smooth 使平滑
【考法2】v. (因外力挤压而)垮塌:to fall down or in as a result of physical pressure
【例】The boxcrumpled when I accidentally dropped a brick on it. 我不小心扔了块石头在箱子上,它就倒塌了
【近】collapse, founder, implode, tumble, yield