【考法1】n. 常规,习俗:general agreement on or acceptance of certain practices orattitudes
【例】Byconvention, north is at the top of most maps. 按照常规,北方在大多数地图上指向上
【近】custom,ritual, manner
【反】deviation 背离习俗
【考法2】n. 公约,协议:a general agreement about basic principles or procedures
【例】Under thiscircumstance Geneva convention does not comply. 此情形下《日内瓦公约》无效
【近】treaty,agreement, compact, contract
【考法3】n. 大会,集会:a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose
【例】attended aconvention of mathematicians in California 参加了加州数学家的一次集会
【近】assembly,congress, council, gathering
【派】conventional adj. 传统习俗上的
【考法1】v.汇集,交汇于一点:tending to move toward one point or one another
【例】the mainstreets converge on a central square 众主干道在中央广场交汇
【近】meet,focus, concentrate
【反】diverge,deviate, digress 分离,分岔
【派】convergentadj. 汇集的;convergencen. 汇集
【考法1】adj. 熟悉的:having frequent or familiarassociation
【例】conversantwith the accounting system 熟知会计系统
【近】acquaint,aware, familiar, informed, versed
【反】ignorant,unfamiliar 无知的,不熟悉的
【派】conversance n. 熟知,造诣
【考法1】n. 被改变宗教信仰的人:one that is converted
【考法2】vt.使改变信仰:to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another
【例】Europeanmissionaries converted thousands to Christianity. 欧洲传教士使成百上千的人改信了基督教
【近】persuade,proselytize, bring, lead
【考法3】vt. 改变,转化:to alter the physical or chemical nature or properties ofespecially in manufacturing
【例】convertwater into ice 将水转化成冰
【近】alter,change, transform, transfigure
【派】convertern. 转换器;convertibleadj. 可转变的; n. 敞篷跑车
【考法1】adj. 凸起的:having a surface or boundarythat curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere
【例】A convexfunction has the property that a line joining any two points on its graph lieson or above the graph.
【反】dent,concave 凹陷的
【考法1】vt. 运输:to take or carry from one place to another; transport
【例】goodsconveyed by sea 海路运输的货物
【近】carry,transfer, ferry, transmit
【考法2】v. 传递,交流:to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, orappearance
【例】strugglingto convey his feelings 挣扎着表达他的情感
【近】conduct,communicate, impart, pass on
【反】withhold 隐瞒
【考法1】n. 深信,确信:the state of being convinced
【例】a warriorof strong conviction 一名信念坚定的战士
【近】assurance,certainty, certitude
【反】dubiety,incredulity; uncertainty, incertitude 怀疑;不确定性
【考法2】n. 证明有罪:state of being found or proved guilty
【例】evidencethat led to the suspect's conviction 证明嫌疑犯有罪的证据
【反】acquittal 宣告无罪
【派】convict v. 宣判有罪
【考法1】v. 召集开会:to bring together by or as if by summons
【例】to convokeParliament 召开国会
【近】assemble,convene, summon, muster
【反】adjourn 休会
【考法1】adj. 复杂的,费解的:complicated; intricate
【例】aconvoluted way of describing a simple mechanism 用令人费解的方法解释一个简单的原理
【近】complex,knotty, involved, sophisticated, twisted, tangled, labyrinthine
【反】straightforward 直截了当的
【考法1】n. 痉挛(强烈的、无法控制的肌肉收缩):an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction of the
【例】Convulsions are usually accompanied by loss of consciousness. 痉挛常常伴随着失去意识
【考法2】n. 骚乱:a violent disturbance
【例】a regimein convulsion 动荡中的政权
【近】commotion,ferment, tumult, upheaval, clamor, tempest, uproar
【反】serenity,tranquility 宁静
【派】convulsev. 剧烈震动;痉挛