A lawyer in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region has sued the Ningxia and China Welfare Lottery centers, as well as the Beijing Fangyuan Notary Public Office, seeking a clear explanation for the delay in a draw that has prompted allegations of foul play.
foul play是违规行为;draw是开奖。
律师雍吉军表示,福彩中心延迟开奖(the delay in drawing the winning lottery number)属于违约(break the contract)行为。目前,宁夏银川市人民法院已受理立案(accept the case)。
1月25日,在没有事先预告的情况下(without advance notice),原本于当晚9时30分在中国教育电视台直播(telecast live)的福利彩票双色球15011期开奖突然取消(cancel)。延迟近2小时后,中国福利彩票发行管理中心(China Welfare Lottery Center)唯一指定网络信息发布媒体——中彩网官方微博在网上公布了该期中奖号码。对此,有彩民怀疑福彩中心涉嫌造假(be involved in fraud)。
1月26日凌晨3时42分,中国福利彩票官方网站对“延迟开奖”作出回应,称“出现数据索引异常(abnormality of the data index),未能及时完成数据汇总和数据传输(the gathering and transmission of data couldn't be finished in time)”。民政部还专门就此召开了新闻发布会向彩民(ticket holders)致歉。
但是一些彩民对这一解释并不买账(buy the explanation)。一名张姓男子向中纪委举报福彩中心,希望中纪委对开奖的公正性(the fairness of the draw)进行审查。
雍吉军花100块钱买了这期福彩,他说他的目的不是要赔偿款,而是希望通过这个诉讼让彩民意识到自己的权利(raise tickets holders' awareness of their rights)。
根据《彩票管理条例实施细则》第40条规定:“未按照彩票游戏规则和开奖操作规程进行的开奖活动及开奖结果无效(invalid)。” 彩民有付款的义务(lottery buyers are obliged to pay for their tickets),发行主体有按照彩票的约定和公布的开奖时间开奖的义务(lottery centers are obliged to draw the winning numbers at the appointed time)。如果违反,要承担责任。