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  • In short, like many inland reapers and mowers, who go into the farmer's meadows armed with their own scythes
  • 总之,正象许多割草者和割稻者一样,他们总是随带自己的镰刀上农民的草场去干活的...
  • though in no wise obliged to furnish them-- even so, Queequeg, for his own private reasons, preferred his own harpoon.
  • 虽然不一定非自带工具不可...魁魁格正是为了自己的理由而宁愿用自己的标枪。
  • Shifting the barrow from my hand to his, he told me a funny story about the first wheelbarrow he had ever seen.
  • 独轮车从我手里转到魁魁格手里时,他告诉我一个关于他生平第一次看到独轮车的有趣故事。
  • It was in Sag Harbor.
  • 事情就发生在萨格港。
  • The owners of his ship, it seems, had lent him one, in which to carry his heavy chest to his boarding house.
  • 好象是他的船主借给他一辆独轮车,好让他把他那只笨重的箱子运到他的宿店去。
  • Not to seem ignorant about the thing--though in truth he was entirely so, concerning the precise way in which to manage the barrow
  • 为了对这东西显得不是一无所知...虽然事实上,关于如何正确地掌握独轮车,他是完全一无所知的...
  • Queequeg puts his chest upon it; lashes it fast; and then shoulders the barrow and marches up the wharf.
  • 魁魁格把他那只箱子放上去后,用绳子捆捆紧;就把车子往肩上一扛,径自走上码头。
  • Why, said I, Queequeg, you might have known better than that, one would think. Didn't the people laugh?
  • 怎么,我说,魁魁格,想来你总不至于这样笨吧。人们不笑话你吗?
  • Upon this, he told me another story.
  • 听到这话,他又告诉我另一个故事。
  • The people of his island of Rokovoko, it seems, at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl;
  • 事情好象是,他那个罗科伏柯岛上的居民,在他们的结婚筵席上,都要把嫩椰子压出来的芬芳的椰汁,滴在一只象潘趣酒壶一般的染色大葫芦里;
  • and this punchbowl always forms the great central ornament on the braided mat where the feast is held.
  • 这种潘趣酒壶总是那条摆酒席的缏饰垫子上的最主要的装饰品。
  • Now a certain grand merchant ship once touched at Rokovoko, and its commander
  • 有一回,恰巧有一只大商船驶到罗科伏柯,那只船的船长...
  • from all accounts, a very stately punctilious gentleman, at least for a sea captain-this commander was invited to the wedding feast of Queequeg's sister,
  • 从各方面看来,至少就一个船长说来,他是个十分庄严拘谨的绅士...这位船长也被邀来出席魁魁格的妹妹的结婚喜宴,
  • a pretty young princess just turned of ten.
  • 他的妹妹是个刚满十周岁的美丽小公主。
  • Well; when all the wedding guests were assembled at the bride's bamboo cottage, this Captain marches in, and being assigned the post of honor,
  • 于是,当所有的来宾都被请到新娘的竹搭小屋里去的时候,这位船长也进去了,还被请上首席,
  • placed himself over against the punchbowl, and between the High Priest and his majesty the King, Queequeg's father.
  • 他面对着那只潘趣酒壶坐了下来,两旁就是那个祭司长和国王陛下即魁魁格的父亲。


In short, like many inland reapers and mowers, who go into the farmer's meadows armed with their own scythes--though in no wise obliged to furnish them-- even so, Queequeg, for his own private reasons, preferred his own harpoon.


Shifting the barrow from my hand to his, he told me a funny story about the first wheelbarrow he had ever seen. It was in Sag Harbor. The owners of his ship, it seems, had lent him one, in which to carry his heavy chest to his boarding house. Not to seem ignorant about the thing--though in truth he was entirely so, concerning the precise way in which to manage the barrow--Queequeg puts his chest upon it; lashes it fast; and then shoulders the barrow and marches up the wharf. "Why," said I, "Queequeg, you might have known better than that, one would think. Didn't the people laugh?"


Upon this, he told me another story. The people of his island of Rokovoko, it seems, at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl; and this punchbowl always forms the great central ornament on the braided mat where the feast is held. Now a certain grand merchant ship once touched at Rokovoko, and its commander--from all accounts, a very stately punctilious gentleman, at least for a sea captain-this commander was invited to the wedding feast of Queequeg's sister, a pretty young princess just turned of ten. Well; when all the wedding guests were assembled at the bride's bamboo cottage, this Captain marches in, and being assigned the post of honor, placed himself over against the punchbowl, and between the High Priest and his majesty the King, Queequeg's father.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
precise [pri'sais]


adj. 精确的,准确的,严格的,恰好的

harbor ['hɑ:bə]


n. 海港,避难所
vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏<

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

ornament ['ɔ:nəmənt]


n. 装饰,装饰物
vt. 装饰

merchant ['mə:tʃənt]


n. 商人,店主,专家
adj. 商业的

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

punctilious [pʌŋk'tiliəs]


adj. 精密细心的,一丝不苟的,谨小慎微的

fragrant ['freigrənt]


adj. 芬香的,馥郁的

braided ['breidid]


adj. 编辫子的;有饰带镶缀的

inland ['inlənd]


adj. 内陆的,国内的
adv. 内陆地





