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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • They are mostly young, of stalwart frames; fellows who have felled forests, and now seek to drop the axe and snatch the whale-lance.
  • 他们大都是一些体格魁梧的小伙子;都是一些砍过了山林,现在却想放下斧头.抓起捕鲸枪的人。
  • Many are as green as the Green Mountains whence they came. In some things you would think them but a few hours old.
  • 有许多人就跟他们所来自的青山一样嫩。在某些事情上,人们也许会把他们看成不过是刚生下来的婴孩。
  • Look there! that chap strutting round the corner. He wears a beaver hat and swallow-tailed coat, girdled with a sailor-belt and a sheath-knife.
  • 瞧那个在那边角落里装模作样地踱着方步的家伙!他戴了一顶獭皮帽,穿着一件燕尾服,束着一根水手用的腰带,还佩着一把带鞘的刀。
  • Here comes another with a sou'-wester and a bombazine cloak.
  • 喏,这边又来了一个戴着风帽.穿着羽纱大氅的家伙。
  • No town-bred dandy will compare with a country-bred one-I mean a downright bumpkin dandy-a fellow that,
  • 随便哪一个城里的阔少都比不上一个乡下土少爷...
  • in the dog-days, will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands.
  • 我指的是一种道地的乡下阔少爷...这种人物,因为怕太阳晒黑他的双手,竟在三伏天里戴起鹿皮手套,去割他那两英亩地的草。
  • Now when a country dandy like this takes it into his head to make a distinguished reputation, and joins the great whale-fishery,
  • 现在当这样一个乡下土少爷,突然心血来潮,想一举而功成名遂,跑来干这种伟大的捕鲸业时,那么,他一到这个海港,准教你可以看到他做出许多有趣的事儿来。
  • you should see the comical things he does upon reaching the seaport. In bespeaking his sea-outfit, he orders bell-buttons to his waistcoats; straps to his canvas trowsers.
  • 拿他的海上服装来说吧,他教裁缝师傅在他的背心上装起铃式揿钮;在帆布裤子上加吊带。
  • Ah, poor Hay-Seed! how bitterly will burst those straps in the first howling gale, when thou art driven, straps, buttons, and all, down the throat of the tempest.
  • 可怜的乡下佬呵!等到你连人带揿钮,吊带都一股脑儿给狂风暴雨扣住了的时候,头一阵呼啸的大风,就会把那些吊带都给吹崩得多惨。
  • But think not that this famous town has only harpooneers, cannibals, and bumpkins to show her visitors.
  • 可是,别以为旅客们在这个名城里只能看到一些标枪手。生番和乡下佬。
  • Not at all. Still New Bedford is a queer place. Had it not been for us whalemen,
  • 全然不是这样。新贝德福究竟是个奇妙的地方。不过,如果没有我们这些捕鲸者,
  • that tract of land would this day perhaps have been in as howling condition as the coast of Labrador.
  • 那么,这片地方也许直到现在还是跟拉布拉多海岸一样荒僻。
  • As it is, parts of her back country are enough to frighten one, they look so bony. The town itself is perhaps the dearest place to live in, in all New England.
  • 事实上,它那些边远地区就荒凉贫瘠得怕人.虽然就整个新英格兰说来,这城市本身也许是个最适宜于居住的可爱的地方。


They are mostly young, of stalwart frames; fellows who have felled forests, and now seek to drop the axe and snatch the whale-lance. Many are as green as the Green Mountains whence they came. In some things you would think them but a few hours old. Look there! that chap strutting round the corner. He wears a beaver hat and swallow-tailed coat, girdled with a sailor-belt and a sheath-knife. Here comes another with a sou'-wester and a bombazine cloak.


No town-bred dandy will compare with a country-bred one--I mean a downright bumpkin dandy--a fellow that, in the dog-days, will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands. Now when a country dandy like this takes it into his head to make a distinguished reputation, and joins the great whale-fishery, you should see the comical things he does upon reaching the seaport. In bespeaking his sea-outfit, he orders bell-buttons to his waistcoats; straps to his canvas trowsers. Ah, poor Hay-Seed! how bitterly will burst those straps in the first howling gale, when thou art driven, straps, buttons, and all, down the throat of the tempest.


But think not that this famous town has only harpooneers, cannibals, and bumpkins to show her visitors. Not at all. Still New Bedford is a queer place. Had it not been for us whalemen, that tract of land would this day perhaps have been in as howling condition as the coast of Labrador. As it is, parts of her back country are enough to frighten one, they look so bony. The town itself is perhaps the dearest place to live in, in all New England.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声



v. 割(草、麦等), 扫射,皱眉 n. 草堆,谷物堆

frighten ['fraitən]


vt. 使惊吓,惊恐
vi. 惊吓

axe [æks]


n. 斧,乐器,突然去除
vt. 用斧砍,突然

stalwart ['stɔ:lwət]


n. 顽强的人,健壮的人 adj. 高大结实的,顽强的

distinguished [di'stiŋgwiʃt]


adj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过

snatch [snætʃ]


n. 抢夺,碎片,一阵,一瞬间,一点点

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

canvas ['kænvəs]


n. 帆布,(帆布)画布,油画





