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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Who-e debel you?-he at last said--you no speak-e, dam-me, I kill-e. And so saying the lighted tomahawk began flourishing about me in the dark.
  • 你是什么鬼?他终于说道...你再不说话,该....死的,我就宰了你.说着,他那支点燃着的烟斗斧在漆黑中在我四周挥舞起来。
  • Landlord, for God's sake, Peter Coffin! shouted I. Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!
  • 老板,看在老天爷的情面,彼得.科芬!我大声叫嚷.老板!值班的!科芬!天使呀!救命啊!
  • Speak-e! tell-ee me who-ee be, or dam-me, I kill-e! again growled the cannibal, while his horrid flourishings of the tomahawk scattered the hot tobacco ashes about me till I thought my linen would get on fire.
  • 说呀!告诉我,你是谁,不说,妈的,我就宰了你!那个生番又咆哮起来,他那只烟斗斧挥得吓死人,热的烟屑四溅,我还以为我的衬衫都要烧着了。
  • But thank heaven, at that moment the landlord came into the room light in hand, and leaping from the bed I ran up to him.
  • 多亏上天保佑,就在这时,那个店老板手里拿着灯,进房来了,我连忙从床上一跃而起,向他奔过去。
  • Don't be afraid now, said he, grinning again, Queequeg here wouldn't harm a hair of your head.
  • 别怕,别怕,他说,又咧着嘴笑.魁魁格不会伤害你一根汗毛的。
  • Stop your grinning, shouted I, and why didn't you tell me that that infernal harpooneer was a cannibal?
  • 你的笑可以收收了,我嚷道,而且你为什么不事先告诉我,这个恶魔似的标枪手是个吃人生番呢?
  • I thought ye know'd it;--didn't I tell ye, he was a peddlin' heads around town?--but turn flukes again and go to sleep.
  • 我以为你知道呢;我不是对你说,他在城里兜卖头颅吗?不过,还是上床睡觉吧。
  • Queequeg, look here-you sabbee me, I sabbee-you this man sleepe you-you sabbee?
  • 魁魁格,听着...你知道我,我知道你..这个人跟你睡...你知道吗?
  • Me sabbee plenty--grunted Queequeg, puffing away at his pipe and sitting up in bed.
  • 我大大的知道,魁魁格嗯嗯着,咂着烟斗,从床上坐起来。
  • You gettee in, he added, motioning to me with his tomahawk, and throwing the clothes to one side.
  • 你上来,他接着说,一边用他的烟斗斧对我示意,一边把衣服撩在一旁。
  • He really did this in not only a civil but a really kind and charitable way.
  • 他这种举动不但有礼貌,而且的确和蔼可亲.我站在那里望了他一会。
  • I stood looking at him a moment. For all his tattooings he was on the whole a clean, comely looking cannibal.
  • 尽管他满身刺花,但是,大体上说来,他看上去还是个清洁整齐的吃人生番。
  • What's all this fuss I have been making about, thought I to myself-the man's a human being just as I am.
  • 我闹了这半天,算什么意思呢,我自忖着......这人跟我一样是个人。
  • He has just as much reason to fear me, as I have to be afraid of him.
  • 我怕他,他还怕我呢,两下里彼此彼此。
  • Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian.
  • 与其跟个烂醉的基督教徒同睡,不如跟个神志清醒的生番共榻。
  • Landlord, said I, tell him to stash his tomahawk there, or pipe, or whatever you call it; tell him to stop smoking, in short, and I will turn in with him.
  • 老板,我说,请你对他说,要他把他那支战斧,或者说烟斗,或者随你怎样叫法的东西放下来;要他别抽烟,那么,我就要上床跟他一起睡了。
  • But I don't fancy having a man smoking in bed with me. It's dangerous. Besides, I ain't insured.
  • 但是,我可不喜欢人家跟我睡觉的时候抽烟.危险,再说,我还没有保火险呢。
  • This being told to Queequeg, he at once complied, and again politely motioned me to get into bed-rolling over to one side as much as to say-I won't touch a leg of ye.
  • 店老板把这番话告诉了魁魁格后,他立刻照办,一边又很客气地向我打手势,叫我上床...一边自己翻到另一边去,好象是说:我连你的大腿都不碰一碰。
  • Good night, landlord, said I, you may go.
  • 晚安,老板,你可以走了,我说。
  • I turned in, and never slept better in my life.
  • 上了床,有生以来从没有睡得这么香甜过。


Who-e debel you?--he at last said--you no speak-e, dam-me, I kill-e. And so saying the lighted tomahawk began flourishing about me in the dark.


Landlord, for God's sake, Peter Coffin! shouted I. Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!


Speak-e! tell-ee me who-ee be, or dam-me, I kill-e! again growled the cannibal, while his horrid flourishings of the tomahawk scattered the hot tobacco ashes about me till I thought my linen would get on fire.


But thank heaven, at that moment the landlord came into the room light in hand, and leaping from the bed I ran up to him.


Don't be afraid now, said he, grinning again, Queequeg here wouldn't harm a hair of your head.


Stop your grinning, shouted I, and why didn't you tell me that that infernal harpooneer was a cannibal?


I thought ye know'd it;--didn't I tell ye, he was a peddlin' heads around town?--but turn flukes again and go to sleep.


Queequeg, look here-you sabbee me, I sabbee-you this man sleepe you-you sabbee?


Me sabbee plenty--grunted Queequeg, puffing away at his pipe and sitting up in bed.


You gettee in, he added, motioning to me with his tomahawk, and throwing the clothes to one side.


He really did this in not only a civil but a really kind and charitable way.


I stood looking at him a moment. For all his tattooings he was on the whole a clean, comely looking cannibal.


What's all this fuss I have been making about, thought I to myself-the man's a human being just as I am.


He has just as much reason to fear me, as I have to be afraid of him.


Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian.


Landlord, said I, tell him to stash his tomahawk there, or pipe, or whatever you call it; tell him to stop smoking, in short, and I will turn in with him.


But I don't fancy having a man smoking in bed with me. It's dangerous. Besides, I ain't insured.


This being told to Queequeg, he at once complied, and again politely motioned me to get into bed-rolling over to one side as much as to say-I won't touch a leg of ye.


Good night, landlord, said I, you may go.


I turned in, and never slept better in my life.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
sober ['səubə]


adj. 清醒的,沉着冷静的,稳重的,颜色暗淡的

charitable ['tʃæritəbl]


adj. 仁慈的,(为)慈善事业的,宽恕的

insured [in'ʃuəd]


n. 被保险者,保户 动词insure的过去式和过去分词

fuss [fʌs]


n. 大惊小怪,小题大作,强烈不满或争吵

linen ['linin]


n. 亚麻布,亚麻线,亚麻制品
adj. 亚麻

comely ['kʌmli]


adj. 清秀的,美丽的,合适的





