Classic Statements
1. Everybody hates the Upper East Side. They wanna live on the West Side. But when it's resale time the East Side moves all the time.
1. 大家都说自己不爱住上东区,他们想住西区。不过相信我当卖房子的时候,东区的房子最好卖。
2. Look, maybe you'd like to see something cheaper that I got on First Avenue? Honey, the meter's running. Anybody home?
2. 还是你想看便宜一点的?我在第一大道还有房子。
3. Welcome. I'm Carolyn Burnham. This living room is very dramatic. Wait till you see the native stone fireplace! A simple cream could really lighten things up. You could even put in a skylight.
3. 欢迎光临,我是卡洛琳·伯纳姆。这间客厅很气派,壁炉是用上好石材砌成的,粉刷一下便焕然一新。你也可以装个天窗,那效果会更棒。
4. Well, why don't we go into the kitchen? It's a dream come true for any cook. Just filled with positive energy, huh?
4. 我们去看看厨房吧,这里简直就是美食家乐园,每个人都能当食神。
5. And you'll be surprised how much a ceiling fan can cut down on your energy costs. You know, you could have some really fun backyard get-togethers out here.
5. 你也一定会惊讶电吊扇可以省下一大笔电费呢,还有后院可以举行很棒的烤肉大会。
6. Well, I think you'll find that not only are the amenities top quality, so are the tenants.
6. 我想你们会发现,不仅我们的设施是一流的,住户也是高素质人群。
7. I think you'll also find that the people who've bought here, they're like you. They're young, ambitious.
7. 你们还会发现入住的住户,他们跟你们很像——年轻,上进。
8. I think if you are offer another hundred grand, they'll back down.
8. 如果你再出十万的话,他们就会放弃。
9. Are there any other tenants who've been here for a while, you know, who might be able to show us the ins and outs of the place, the neighborhood?
9. 有没有住户,能带我们了解一下住在这里要注意的事项,认识一下邻居吗?
10. Well, the building was totally renovated two years ago. So most of our tenants are newer.
10. 大楼两年前翻修过,所以我们大部分的住户都是搬来不久的。