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小学英语深圳双语版五年级(下)(MP3+字幕)Chapter3: The Trees

来源:新东方在线 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This tree has a thick trunk,That tree has a thin trunk.
  • B Tina is writing about her favourite tree.
  • Help Tina to finish her writing:Use some of these words to help you.Here are these answers.
  • There is a tree outside my window.It has _____leaves and ______brandches.
  • It is fifty years old and has a very_____trunk.The tree is very useful.
  • It keeps me cool.Jane swings in the tree.
  • The tree give s her lots of fun.Dad reads books under it.It gives___shade.
  • Animals live in the tree.The tree gives ___food.
  • The tree has been our good friend .We love ___and it loves___.
  • C Tina and Jane are finding out about trees on the Internet.Act the children.
  • Facts about trees.1 Trees have roots.
  • 2 Trees have leaves.3 Animals live in trees.4 People cut down trees.
  • Animals get food from trees.
  • People need wood to make furniture.
  • Trees need to take in sunlight and rain.
  • Trees need to get water from the soil.
  • Why do trees have roots?
  • Trees have roots because they need to get water from the soil.
  • Why do animals live in trees?
  • Animals live in trees because they get food from trees.
  • Now you do the rest.
  • D Listen to this poem.Read it aloud to your friend.
  • Trees by Mike Murphy
  • There's a tree outside my window.Whoes brandches keep me cool.
  • There's a tree whose brandches beckon.While on my way to school.
  • There's a tree upon the hillside,Whose roots run long and deep.
  • There's a tree beside the river.Whose brandches bend and weep.
  • There's a tree up on the hilltop.In which the songbirds nest.
  • There's a tree deep in the jungle .In which the monkeys rest.
  • There's a tree beside the desert,Whose brandches provide shade
  • There's a tree beside the seaside.In which a home is made.
  • There's a tree that lived in England,A thousand years,it's said.
  • There's a tree outside the forest,That's chopped and chewed-----and dead!
  • Is there a special tree in your neighbourhood?Tell the class about it.
  • E Answer the questions about the poem.
  • 1 Where is the tree that keeps the poet cool?2 Which tree has deep roots?
  • 3 Where is the tree whose branches bend and weep?4 What do birds make in trees?
  • 5 Where do monkeys live?6 Which part of a tree gives us shade?
  • 7 How old was the tree in England?8 Where is the dead tree?
  • Skills Read these sentences.
  • Trees are important to people.They give us shade.They make the air clean.
  • Now read some more facts about trees.
  • Choose one or two to finish the above paragraph.Write sentences.
  • F The children are in a country park.
  • Act the children and the warden.Ask and answer questions about trees.
  • Why trees are important They hold the soil together.
  • They give us food and wood.Birds and animals live in them.
  • They are beautiful.They make cities green and healthy.
  • They make the air clean.They give us shade.
  • They make cities less noisy.Why are trees useful?
  • Trees are useful because they hold the soil together.
  • Why must we look after trees?
  • We must look after trees because birds and animals live in them.
  • Why do we need trees?We need trees because they make the air clean.
  • Now you do the rest.
  • Chpater 4 Eating habits
  • A The children are in a food court.What do they have on their trays?
  • Harry has meat and fries.He has a soft drink.
  • Tom has meat,salted fish and rice.He also has tea.
  • Picture 1 heathly Picture 2 unheathly
  • Picture 3 vegetables Picture 4 soft drinks
  • Picture 5 meat Picture 6 fresh fruit


Chapter3: The Trees

第三课: 树

This tree has a thick trunk,That tree has a thin trunk.
B Tina is writing about her favourite tree.
Help Tina to finish her writing:Use some of these words to help you.Here are these answers.
There is a tree outside my window.It has _____leaves and ______brandches.
It is fifty years old and has a very_____trunk.The tree is very useful.
It keeps me cool.Jane swings in the tree.
The tree give s her lots of fun.Dad reads books under it.It gives___shade.
Animals live in the tree.The tree gives ___food.
The tree has been our good friend .We love ___and it loves___.
C Tina and Jane are finding out about trees on the Internet.Act the children.
Facts about trees.1 Trees have roots.
2 Trees have leaves.3 Animals live in trees.4 People cut down trees.
Animals get food from trees.
People need wood to make furniture.
Trees need to take in sunlight and rain.
Trees need to get water from the soil.
Why do trees have roots?
Trees have roots because they need to get water from the soil.
Why do animals live in trees?
Animals live in trees because they get food from trees.
Now you do the rest.
D Listen to this poem.Read it aloud to your friend.
Trees by Mike Murphy
There's a tree outside my window.Whoes brandches keep me cool.
There's a tree whose brandches beckon.While on my way to school.
There's a tree upon the hillside,Whose roots run long and deep.
There's a tree beside the river.Whose brandches bend and weep.
There's a tree up on the hilltop.In which the songbirds nest.
There's a tree deep in the jungle .In which the monkeys rest.
There's a tree beside the desert,Whose brandches provide shade
There's a tree beside the seaside.In which a home is made.
There's a tree that lived in England,A thousand years,it's said.
There's a tree outside the forest,That's chopped and chewed-----and dead!
Is there a special tree in your neighbourhood?Tell the class about it.
E Answer the questions about the poem.
1 Where is the tree that keeps the poet cool?2 Which tree has deep roots?
3 Where is the tree whose branches bend and weep?4 What do birds make in trees?
5 Where do monkeys live?6 Which part of a tree gives us shade?
7 How old was the tree in England?8 Where is the dead tree?
Skills Read these sentences.
Trees are important to people.They give us shade.They make the air clean.
Now read some more facts about trees.
Choose one or two to finish the above paragraph.Write sentences.
F The children are in a country park.
Act the children and the warden.Ask and answer questions about trees.
Why trees are important They hold the soil together.
They give us food and wood.Birds and animals live in them.
They are beautiful.They make cities green and healthy.
They make the air clean.They give us shade.
They make cities less noisy.Why are trees useful?
Trees are useful because they hold the soil together.
Why must we look after trees?
We must look after trees because birds and animals live in them.
Why do we need trees?We need trees because they make the air clean.
Now you do the rest.
Chpater 4 Eating habits
A The children are in a food court.What do they have on their trays?
Harry has meat and fries.He has a soft drink.
Tom has meat,salted fish and rice.He also has tea.
Picture 1 heathly Picture 2 unheathly
Picture 3 vegetables Picture 4 soft drinks
Picture 5 meat Picture 6 fresh fruit

重点单词   查看全部解释    
shade [ʃeid]


n. 阴影,遮蔽,遮光物,(色彩的)浓淡

trunk [trʌŋk]


n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯





