Be at Each Other’s Throat
Carly:Theo and I were planning to travel to Hawaii for a vacation.
Catherine:What happened then?
Carly:Nothing. We just don’t get along anymore. We’ve just been at each other’s throats for months.
卡莉:也没什么,我们就是处不来了。 我们已经互杠好几个月了。
Catherine:Maybe things will get better.
Carly:I don’t think so. This is it.
卡莉:我不这么认为。 就这样了吧。
Catherine:Don’t give up hope. You can work it out.
Carly:Maybe after baseball season’s over.
be at each other’s throat 吵来吵去╱互杠
throat是「喉咙」,be at each other’s throat 字面意思为「在彼此的喉咙」。 引申指彼此互有口角,甚至拳脚相向,也就是「吵来吵去」或「互杠」的意思。 下列为与throat 有关的常用俚语:
jump down someone’s throat 突然对某人发飙
例:He jumped down my throat after I said a few words.(我才说几句话,他就突然对我发飙。)
ram something down someone’s throat 强迫某人接受
ram表「硬塞」,字面意思为将某物硬塞进某人的喉咙里,引申为「强迫某人接受」。 例:She has rammed her political views down my throat for years.(多年来她总是强迫我接受她的政治观点。)
have a frog in someone’s throat 喉咙哑了
例:He had a frog in his throat after talking for 5 hours.(连续讲话5 个小时后,他喉咙都哑了。)
get along 相处
例:The new colleague gets along with everyone pretty well.(这名新同事跟每个人都处得不错。)
work out… 解决……
例:It took us two hours to work out the problem.(我们花了两个小时解决那个问题。)