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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


6. When is Mary's birthday?
A. August 15th. B. August 16th C. August 12th
7. Will Abby come to the party?
A. Yes, she will, but she'll be late for the party.
B. Not sure. Perhaps she won't be able to come.
C. No, she won't, because she'll meet her sister at the station.
8. What did Linda do last night?
A. She and her sister had a birthday party for their brother.
B. She and her brother had a birthday party for their sister.
C. She, her brother and her sister had a party for their friends.
9. Where did they have the party?
A. At their own house B. At their uncle's house C. At their friend's house
10. When did the party end?
A. It ended at about 10:00 pm.
B. It ended at about 4:00 am.
C. It ended at about 00:30 am.
11. What do you think Linda is going to do next?
A. She is going home to sleep.
B. She is going to type her paper.
C. She is going to another party.
12. Where do you think Susan has just been back from?
A. From New York B. From another country C. From the hospital
13. What is the problem with Henry?
A. Feeling tired and sleepy
B. Looking older and thinner
C. Getting older and heavier
14. What is Susan's secret of keeping young?
A. Work as much as possible but eat little.
B. More exercise and careful about diet.
C. Nice to others and keep happy all the time.
15. What is Linda Brown looking for?
A. She is looking for an apartment of any kind.
B. She is looking for a two-sitting room house.
C. She is looking for a two-bedroom apartment.
16. What is Linda Brown's address?
A. It's 97 Sunshine Street. B. It's 79 Sunset Street. C. It's 93 Sunrise Street.
17. What is Linda Brown's telephone number?
A. 937-2028 B. 397-0208 C. 739-2080
18. What does the speaker advise us to do to avoid quarrels with other people?
A. Learn to listen to others' opinions and wishes.
B. Go away when a quarrel seems to be on the way.
C. Don't express your opinion when it is different.
19. What does the speaker think can bring peace?
A. keeping silent B. unselfishness C. being patient
20. Which of the following is what the speaker means?
A. We should listen to what is worth thinking, and try not to be fooled.
B. Only when we think an opinion reasonable, can we allow it to be expressed.
C. However foolish an opinion may seem, we should allow it to be expressed.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

quarrel ['kwɔrəl]


n. 吵架,争论,怨言
vi. 吵架,争论,挑

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧





