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听力万花筒 第113期:世界末日 This Is the End

来源:普特 编辑:jo19870724   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

片名:世界末日 This Is the End 又名 末世喜剧 | 大明星世界末日

类别:动作 | 喜剧


主演:塞斯·罗根 | 乔纳·希尔 | 詹姆斯·弗兰科 | 杰伊·巴鲁切尔

导演:埃文·戈登伯格 | 塞斯·罗根

编剧:塞斯·罗根 | 杰森·斯通 | 埃文·戈德堡



While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse.

Seth, I have the best week I ever planned, James Franco’s having a giant party,

Oh my god, if I don't fuck Michael Sara tonight, I’m gonna blow my brains out.


Fucking pills, 110 pounds, hairless, harry has a huge cock,

Don’t fucking touch my bump, bitch.

It’s a weird face,

Oh, so hot.

What did you just fucking blow on me?

Don’t worry, it’s just heroin.

Are you shitting me?

I was just kidding, it’s cocaine, but that’s still very bad.

What the fuck?

Come on, get in the house.


It’s too late for you, you’re already in the hole.

Get the fuck off me, please

The sheriff’s office is urging people to stay in their homes right now,

Seagull’s deal, Crum Hoff’s dead, Michael Sara’s dead,

In a bed?

It’s already going crazy out the kais, I’m not leaving ok? I’m a victim, where I was a kid, I’m in teddies, the bullies held me down, the kiddy fuck me.

We’re actors, we pretend to be hard, man, we are softer than baby shit.


We’re gonna be fine.

Oh, you ok?

No, I’m not ok, fuck your house, Franco.

We should stay in here, fortify this bitch and take him to with all the booty shit we have.

We got 12 bottles of water, 56 beers, there’s a half pound sara diesel, one ounce chums, CT crunch, one milky way,

Can I have the milky way,

No you can’t have the milky way, it’s my special food, I like it.

I want some of the milky way,

I wil be pretty bummed if I don’t at least get a bite of the milky way.

What the hell?

Oh my god.


I’m watching, show it up.

Give me whatever that you have to drink.

There are six of us, you can not rob us,

I’m not fucking around.

Give her the drinks.

Her money just stole all of our shit.

Please you come up here, things have gone crazy out here.

I’m sorry, we just don’t know you man, you could be like a looter or a rapist or teddy fucker,

I’m not a rapist,

You weren’t a teddy fucker?

Listen, If you want me to teddy fuck you, I will, so good, you’ll love it, help me out here.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fortify ['fɔ:tifai]


vt. 强化,增强,筑防御工事于,(物质或精神上)支持或

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

victim ['viktim]


n. 受害者,牺牲

sheriff ['ʃerif]


n. 郡治安官,郡长

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的





