1. Open your textbooks to page 37. Now... close them and throw them away.
1. 把书翻到37页。现在,合起来,扔到一边去。
2. For those of you who are new, the motto of this class:"Carpe diem. Seize the day!" No tests! No papers.
2. 给新来的同学提个醒,这课的座右铭就是“人生苦短,莫负好年华”。没有考试,没有论文。
3. I'm new. But I'll be old too soon. Carpe diem, Sir. Carpe diem!
3. 我是新生。但我很快就会老去。人生苦短,老师,人生苦短啊!
4. Lack of concentration, inability to focus, nada commitment. Now, this piece of coursework I have marked "ungraded".
4. 走神,不能全神贯注,压根不投入。我给这份课程作业打了个“不及格”。
5. Mark, this mark... you have failed the entire year.
5. 马克,我指的是这个分数。你整个一学年就都白上了!
6. You will have two hours to complete the exam. When you have finished the exam, close the booklet, turn it face downwards and raise your hands.
6. 各位有两个小时作答,答完请合上试卷,背面朝上,举手示意。
7. When I have acknowledged you, you may bring the exam up to me and leave. You may begin.
7. 看到我点头后就可以交卷,然后离开教室。开始!
8. East High is a place where teachers encouraged us to break the status quo and define ourselves as we choose.
8. 东高的老师鼓励我们打破现状,成就我们自己的选择。
9. East High is having friends that we'll keep for the rest of our lives. And I guess that means we really are all in this together.
9. 东高让我们拥有终身的挚友,我想这意味着我们会一直在一起。
10. We're all very grateful for this second chance. Aren't we, Mark?
10. 你能再次给他机会,我们一家都很感激。对吧,马克?