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1. to the airport pls.=take me to the airport, pls.

Hallen take her daughter to school every morning.

Take me to the bank,pls.

Take me to the station,pls.

2. the International or domestic ones.=do you want me to take you to the international airport or the domestic one.

Would you like this pen or the red one?

This apples are good. But I prefer the green ones.

I prefer movies to TV.

3. got it.=I see

Just follow this map and you won’t get lost.

Follow me.

4. could you speedup,pls.

Slowdown. You are driving too fast, slowdown pls.

I am in the hurry, could you speedup,pls.


Step on it.= hurry up

I don’t want to miss my flight.

If you miss the bus, you will be late.

Jean miss her mother’s cooking.

He is every picky.

I am miss you, darling.


She is my pumpkin.= she is my honey.

5. don’t worry. Everything is be fine.

I will get you there in time.

Am I in time for dinner.

You are just in time to help us to pain the walls.

I am sure we will finish the project on time.


Let’s take the taxi to the restaurant.=let’s go to the restaurant by a taxi.

We will go to the state by plane tomorrow.

Where to,mam?

To the airport,pls.

Could you speedup,pls

I don’t want miss my flight.

1. by. She goes to school by train every day.

2. foot. I go to the office on foot every morning.

3. take. is faster, if you take the plane.

4. owe. he owes most of his friend money.

5. speed. Could you speedup you drive too slowly.

6. keep. If you don’t have coins keeping the changes.

7. one. I don’t like this shirt. Could I have a look at that one?

8. in. come in, you just in time for lauch.

How do you get to school?

I go on foot, and you?

I take the bus.

How come you go by bus but don’t get school on time sometimes?

(how come she is crying?= why is she crying?)

The traffic is sometimes very bad.

Oh, I see. by the way, you’d better hurry, or you miss the bus.

There you go again always worry.

Lesson 19 booking a room

Book a table

Excuse me, do you have a single room?

Sorry, we are fully booked. The only room available at the moment is the twin room.

Ok, I will take it.

May I have your name,pls.

I am John.

How many days do you want to stay?

Five days.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼





