China has begun a nationwide campaign to cut down on jay-walking. From today, pedestrians in Beijing will be fined if they are caught crossing the street on a red light or jay-walking. But as CCTV reporter Wu Guoxiu finds out, people think the fines can only be partly helpful.
Red means stop. But Beijing pedestrians routinely ignore it. From today, Beijing will fine pedestrians running red lights, 10 yuan for a pedestrian and 20 yuan for a cyclist.Wang Anguo, Vice Director of Xicheng District Traffic Police Squad, Beijing, said, "From today onwards we will punish people who do not follow the policemen and traffic regulations, to improve order at the crossroads."
run a red light就是闯红灯的意思,等于run red lights或pass a red light;文中,jay-walking,动词形式是jaywalk指行人横穿马路;延伸一下,amber light=yellow light意思是黄灯;斑马线英语是zebra stripes;超速英语excessive speed;醉驾英语是drunk driving;无证驾驶英语是driving without license。