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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


6. When did Jack finish his homework?
A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Last night.
7. How old was Tom when he came to China?
A. 12 years old. B. 13 years old. C. 14 years old.
8. Who will probably go swimming this afternoon?
A. Ann and Li Lei. B. Li Lei and Li Ming. C. Ann and Li Ming.
9. What time will they start for the museum?
A.8: 00. B.8:20. C.8:40.
10. When was John Kennedy born?
A. In 1918. B. In 1926. C. In 1908.
B) 听对话和短文回答问题(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
11. Where does the woman come from?
A. China. B. Korea. C. England.
12. What does the woman want to be after she goes back to her hometown?
A. She wants to be a Chinese teacher. B. She wants to be an English teacher.
C. She wants to be a history teacher.
听第二段对话,回答第13 -15小题.
13. What is the woman’s problem?
A. She feels nervous about the test. B. She doesn’t work hard.
C. She has never taken any test.
14. What does the man think can help solve the woman’s problem?
A. Good luck. B. Deep breathing.(深呼吸) C. Kind advice.
15. What is the man’s advice for getting good results in exams?
A. Talking with others. B. Often taking tests. C. Always working hard.
16. What was the husband like?
A. He was small and thin. B. He was large and fat. C. He was tall and strong.
17. How often did the man get his pay?
A. Every month. B. Every day. C. Every week.

关键字: 英语 试题 初二 期中




