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编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Who’s On the ball. 人非常机灵
She is always on the ball. 她总是在专心地学习。
1. This is Kate.(she is kate) 她是凯
2. What is your family name ?
What is your surname(last name/family name)?
3. Glad to meet you, Mr. Cheng. (Ms. Wang/ Mr. Cheng.
4. This is a book.. (That)(These are)
5. These are my students.
They are my students.
6. This pen is red. (that)
7. This chairs are green.
Those chairs are green/black/yellow.
8. He is chicken(Yellow).胆小
二、选择适当的词Used right words:
Who’s=Who is meet call
This is= This ‘s It’s=It is
to Family
1. Please meet my mother, Jane.
2. This is my girl friend, Tina.
3. Glad to meet you.
4. It’s a nice name.
5. You make call me bod.
6. What’s your family name.
7. Who’s your friend?
8. These are my book.
三、完成下列对话complete dialogue
-Ho, May.
-Ho, Tom.
–How is going?
-Not bad.
-Who’s your friend.
-Oh, I’m sorry. He is Robber. This is my brother.
-Ho, Robber, I’m May.
-Glad to meet you .May.
-Please to meet you too.

第五课unit 5 Occupations 职业
Dialogue A
- Excuse me, Mr. Li. This is Ms. Lin. 打扰一下,李先生,这是李小姐。
- How do you do. Ms. Lin.你好,李先生。
- How do you do. (第一次见面问候语)你好
- Ms. Lin Works for NBA.李小姐在NBA工作。
- What a coincidence! 好巧呵。
- I work in a computer company too.我也在一家电脑公司上班。




