beginning inventory :期初存货
cost of goods sold :销货成本
depreciation :n.折旧
distribution :n.配销
freight :n.运费
gross margin :毛利
income statement :损益表
net income :净损益,净收入
net sales :销货净额
operating expense :营业费用
sales revenue :销货收入
n. 货运,货物,运费
vt. 装货于,运送
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beginning inventory :期初存货
cost of goods sold :销货成本
depreciation :n.折旧
distribution :n.配销
freight :n.运费
gross margin :毛利
income statement :损益表
net income :净损益,净收入
net sales :销货净额
operating expense :营业费用
sales revenue :销货收入