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李阳易说堂 英语发音视频讲座:第8期

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欢迎来到易说堂英语语音学习!我们要学习到的是区别/u/ 和/u:/这两个音。这一对元音的关键是把嘴唇拢小收圆,同时在发音的时候又要防止双唇气流泄出,也就是要防止加进一个辅音/w/。还要注意的是/u/和 /u:/ 不仅仅存在长短的差别, 更重要的还有音调高低的差别,/u:/音调低,音长,/u/音调高,音短。要发好/u/音需要掌握一些要领。发这个音舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收圆并稍稍向前突出。注意这个音是圆唇音。发/u:/音的要领是尽量收缩双唇,让气流从双唇中间冲出。发音时双唇凸起,口腔肌肉绷紧,发音时间比发/u/音长。为了更好地发好这两个音,还是要跟外教地道地读这两个音用在单词句子中。

Please read groups of words to practice the /u/ and /u:/ sounds.
1. pull pool
2. full fool
3. good goose
4. look loom
5. book boom
6. foot food
7. cook cool
8. should shoot

Please read phrases to practice sounds.
1. have a good look at the food
2. put some sugar in the soup
3. cooking some French food
4. should never lose the cool
5. sit on a stool reading a book
6. a very good school for children
7. a book about a very shred woman
8. foot the bill for some fast food

Please read sentences to practice.
1. She took a very good look at our school.
2. She often cooks according to a cookbook.
3. You should keep cool before shooting.
4. You should observe the school rules.
5. We are improving the quality of the food.
6. You should not foot the bill for the fool.
7. It's very rude of you to fool the cook.
8. You should proof-read the book again.
9. It's no good to eat instant noodles.
10. A good book is a better food.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙





