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2007年12月英语六级听力真题 第2篇

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Passage Two
  • Western doctors are beginning to understand what traditional healers have always known that the body and the mind are inseparable.
  • Until recently,modern urban physicians heal the body,psychiatrists the mind and priests the soul.
  • However,the medical world is now paying more attention to holistic medicine,
  • which is an approach based on a belief that people's state of mind can make them sick or speed the recovery from sickness.
  • Several studies show that the effectiveness of a certain drug often depends on the patients expectations of it.
  • For example,in one recent study,psychiatrists at a major hospital try to see how patients could be made calm.
  • They divided them into two groups;
  • one group was given a drug while the other group received a harmless substance instead of medicine without their knowledge.
  • Surprisingly,more patients in the second group showed the desired effects than those in the first group.
  • In study after study,there is a positive reaction in almost one third of the patients taking harmless substances.
  • How is this possible?
  • How can such a substance have an effect on the body?
  • Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients
  • who receive such substances were able to produce their own natural drug,
  • that is, as they took the substance,their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug.
  • Scientists theorize that the amount of these chemicals released by a person's brain quite possibly indicates how much faith the person has in his or her doctor.
  • Questions 30-32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  • 30.According to the speaker,what are western doctors beginning to understand?
  • 31.What does the recent study at a major hospital seem to prove?
  • 32.What evidence does the 1997 study of the University of California produce?


Passage Two
Western doctors are beginning to understand what traditional healers have always known that the body and the mind are inseparable.
Until recently,modern urban physicians heal the body,psychiatrists the mind and priests the soul.
However,the medical world is now paying more attention to holistic medicine,which is an approach based on a belief that people's state of mind can make them sick or speed the recovery from sickness.
Several studies show that the effectiveness of a certain drug often depends on the patients expectations of it.
For example,in one recent study,psychiatrists at a major hospital try to see how patients could be made calm.
They divided them into two groups;one group was given a drug while the other group received a harmless substance instead of medicine without their knowledge.
Surprisingly,more patients in the second group showed the desired effects than those in the first group.
In study after study,there is a positive reaction in almost one third of the patients taking harmless substances.
How is this possible?
How can such a substance have an effect on the body?
Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients who receive such substances were able to produce their own natural drug,that is, as they took the substance,their brains released natural chemicals that act like a drug.
Scientists theorize that the amount of these chemicals released by a person's brain quite possibly indicates how much faith the person has in his or her doctor.

Questions 30-32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
30.According to the speaker,what are western doctors beginning to understand?
31.What does the recent study at a major hospital seem to prove?
32.What evidence does the 1997 study of the University of California produce?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

substance ['sʌbstəns]


n. 物质,实质,内容,重要性,财产

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

theorize ['θiəraiz, 'θi:ə-]


vi. 建立理论或学说;推理 vt. 建立理论

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

harmless ['hɑ:mlis]


adj. 无害的,无恶意的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





