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2009年12月英语六级听力真题 第3篇

编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Passage 3
  • To see if hair color affects a person's chances of getting a job,
  • researchers at California State University asked 136 college students to review the resume and photograph of a female applicant for a job as an accountant.
  • Each student was given the same resume but the applicant's picture was altered so that in some photos,her hair was golden,in some red and in some brown.
  • The result-----with brown hair,the woman was rated more capable and she was offered a higher salary than when she had a golden or red hair.
  • Other studies have found similar results.
  • Many respondents rate women with golden hair as less intelligent than other people and red hair as more temperamental.
  • Women with red or golden hair are victims of the common practice of stereotyping.
  • A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated image that human carries in their minds about groups of people.
  • For example,lawyers are shrewd and dishonest is a popular stereotype.
  • Stereotyping can occur in public speaking classes when trying to choose a speech topic.
  • Some males think that women are uninterested in how to repair cars or some females think that men are uninterested in creative hobbies,such as knitting a needlepoint.
  • We should reject to stereotypes because they force all people in a group into the same simple pattern.
  • They fail to account for individual differences and the wide range of characteristics among members of any group.
  • Some lawyers are dishonest,yes,but many are not.
  • Some women are uninterested in repairing cars,yes,but some are enthusiastic with mechanics.
  • Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  • Q33.What did researchers at California State University find?
  • Q34.What is the popular stereotype of lawyers?
  • Q35.Why does the speaker say we should reject to stereotypes?


Passage 3
To see if hair color affects a person's chances of getting a job, researchers at California State University asked 136 college students to review the resume and photograph of a female applicant for a job as an accountant.
Each student was given the same resume but the applicant's picture was altered so that in some photos,her hair was golden,in some red and in some brown.
The result-----with brown hair,the woman was rated more capable and she was offered a higher salary than when she had a golden or red hair.
Other studies have found similar results.
Many respondents rate women with golden hair as less intelligent than other people and red hair as more temperamental.
Women with red or golden hair are victims of the common practice of stereotyping.
A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated image that human carries in their minds about groups of people.
For example,lawyers are shrewd and dishonest is a popular stereotype.
Stereotyping can occur in public speaking classes when trying to choose a speech topic.
Some males think that women are uninterested in how to repair cars or some females think that men are uninterested in creative hobbies,such as knitting a needlepoint.
We should reject to stereotypes because they force all people in a group into the same simple pattern.
They fail to account for individual differences and the wide range of characteristics among members of any group.
Some lawyers are dishonest,yes,but many are not.
Some women are uninterested in repairing cars,yes,but some are enthusiastic with mechanics.

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Q33.What did researchers at California State University find?
Q34.What is the popular stereotype of lawyers?
Q35.Why does the speaker say we should reject to stereotypes?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

accountant [ə'kauntənt]


n. 会计人员

enthusiastic [in.θju:zi'æstik]


adj. 热情的,热心的

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

uninterested ['ʌn'intəristid]


adj. 不感兴趣的

altered ['ɔ:ltəd]


v. 改变(alter的过去分词) adj. 改变了的;

resume [ri'zju:m]


v. 再继续,重新开始
n. 简历,履历; 摘

mechanics [mi'kæniks]


n. 力学,机械学,(技术的,操作的)过程,手法





