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SBS朗文国际英语教程练习第二册 Unit3

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SBS朗文国际英语教程练习第一册 Unit3

Listen to the conversations.Put a check under the foods you hear.

1.A.Do we need anything from the supermarket?
B.Yes.We need a pound of apples,a bunch of bananas,and a head of lettuce.
2.A.What do we need at the supermarket?
B.We need a pound of cheese,a box of rice,and a bottle of soda.
3.A.Do we need anything from the supermarket?
B.Yes.We need a loaf of bread,a pund of onions,and a dozen oranges.
4.A.What do we need at the supermarket?
B.We need a pound of potatoes,a pint of ice cream,and a jar of mustard.
D.Grammarrap:We Need Food
Listen.Then clap and practice.
All.We need bread. Whole wheat bread.
A.How many loaves do we need?All.Two.
All.We need beans. Black beans.
B.How many cans do we need?All.Three.
All.We need rice. Brown rice.
C.How many pounds do we need?All.Four.
All.We need jam. Strawberry jam.
D.How many jars do we need?All.Five.
All.We need milk.Fresh milk.
E.How many quarts do we need?All.Six.
All.We need cash. We need money.
F.How much money do we need?All.A lot!
F.LISTENING:Listen and circle the price you hear.
1.A box of cereal costs a dollar ninety-nine.
2.Two cans cost a five dollars.
3.Three jars cost four dollars and seventy-nine cents.
4.It costs twenty-five cents.
5.A bottle costs two forty-seven.
6.Two boxes cost six dollars and sixty cents.
7.Three thirteen?!That's a lot of money!
8.A pound costs a dollar fifty.
9.Two dollars and ten cents?!That's cheap!
I.Grammarrap:Grocery List
Listen.Then clap and practice.
We need a loaf of bread .And a jar of jam,A box of cookies,And a pund of ham.
A bottle of ketchup,A pound of cheese,A dozen eggs,And a can of peas.
A head of lettuce,Half a pound of rice,A bunch of bananas,And a bag of ice.
J.Grammarrap:What Would You Like To Have?
Listen.Then clap and practice.
A.What would you like to order?
What would you like to have?
B.An order of chicken,a dish fo potatoes,
A large green salad with a lot of tomatoes.
A bowl of soup,an order of rice,
And a glass of soda with a lot of ice.
A.And what would you like for dessert?
B.Nothing,thanks.I'm not very hungry!
Listen and choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1.Add a little...
2.Chop up a few...
3.Cut up a few..
4.Pour in a little...
5.Slice a few...
6.Mix in a little...
E.Listne and circle the correct word.
Ex.I want some lemons.
1.I'd like some ice cream.
2.I need some ice tomatoes.
3.I'm looking for lettuce.
4.May I have some meatballs?
5.I want some whole wheat bread.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

cereal ['siəriəl]


n. 谷类食物,麦片
adj. 谷类的,谷物的

slice [slais]


n. 薄片,切片
vt. 切成薄片,削

lettuce ['letis]


n. 莴苣,生菜,纸币

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

jar [dʒɑ:]


n. 不和谐,刺耳声,震动,震惊,广口瓶

wheat [wi:t]


n. 小麦,小麦色


关键字: 朗文 练习册 SBS




