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小故事背诵达人 第157期:I can't see

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 12 I can't see
  • 12 我看不到
  • An Irishman was once serving in a regiment in the desert. He wasn't fond of the climate of the war zone.
  • 有个爱尔兰人在沙漠中的部队服兵役,他不喜欢战地的气候,
  • The temperature sometimes was about 40 degrees centigrade, so he decided to think out a trick by which he could get home.
  • 那儿气候又是会超过40摄氏度。于是他决定想个法子回家。
  • He went to the doctor and said to him, "I have a disease of the eye.
  • 他去看医生,对医生说:“我眼睛有毛病,
  • My eyesight is very bad. Can you do me a service?"
  • 我视力太差了,你能帮助我吗?”
  • The doctor stared at him for a while and then asked, "Well, but how can you prove to me that your eyesight is bad?"
  • 医生看了他一会儿说:“好的,你怎么能证明你的视力差呢?”
  • The Irishman looked about the room and at last said, "Well, doctor, can you see that nail on the ceiling?"
  • 这个爱尔兰人看了看房间最后说道:“呃,医生,你能看到天花板上的那个钉子吗?”
  • "Yes," the doctor glanced at that black dot overhead, then replied.
  • “是的,”医生扫了一眼头顶的那个小黑点说。
  • "Well," said the Irishman, "But I can't."
  • “哦,”这个爱尔兰人说,“我却看不到。”


12 I cant see

12 我看不到
An Irishman was once serving in a regiment in the desert. He wasn't fond of the climate of the war zone. The temperature sometimes was about 40 degrees centigrade, so he decided to think out a trick by which he could get home.
He went to the doctor and said to him, "I have a disease of the eye. My eyesight is very bad. Can you do me a service?"
The doctor stared at him for a while and then asked, "Well, but how can you prove to me that your eyesight is bad?"
The Irishman looked about the room and at last said, "Well, doctor, can you see that nail on the ceiling?"
"Yes," the doctor glanced at that black dot overhead, then replied.
"Well," said the Irishman, "But I can't."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧





