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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Jewel thought to himself, "I will leave them to talk for a little and then I will go and greet the good King Erlian. Many a bright apple has he given me when I was but a colt." But next moment he had something else to think of, for out of the gateway there came a horse so mighty and noble that even a Unicorn might feel shy in its presence: a great winged horse. It looked a moment at the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly and neighed out "What, cousins!" and they both shouted "Fledge! Good old Fledge!" and rushed to kiss it.独角兽珍宝心里跟自己说道:“我要让他们谈一会儿,然后我再向国王厄莲致敬。我是个小不点儿的时候,他给我吃过许多光亮的苹果。”但下一刻它又有别的事情要想了,因为大门里又出来一匹马儿,强壮有力,高贵壮丽,甚至独角兽在它面前也自惭形秽。它是一匹长着翅膀的大马。它对迪格雷勋爵和波莉夫人瞧了一会儿,便嘶鸣道:“呀,表兄!”他们俩一同大口叫:“飞羽!善良的老飞羽!”跑过去吻它。
But by now the Mouse was again urging them to come in. So all of them passed in through the golden gates, into the delicious smell that blew towards them out of that garden and into the cool mixture of sunlight and shadow under the trees, walking on springy turf that was all dotted with white flowers. The very first thing which struck everyone was that the place was far larger than it had seemed from outside. But no one had time to think about that for people were coming up to meet the newcomers from every direction.这时候,老鼠重新催促他们进门去。所以他们大家都穿过金门进去,从花园里向他们吹来了宜人的芳香。进入阳光与树阴的凉快混合体里,走在缀着星星点点的白花的、有弹性的草皮上。第一件使大家印象十分深刻的事实是:这花园的里边远比外边看起来要大得多。但谁也没有时间思考这个问题,因为人们正从四面八方赶来同新到的人见面。
Everyone you had ever heard of (if you knew the history of these countries) seemed to be there. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother the Star's daughter and his great father Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Berne and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Truffle-hunter the good Badger with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance. And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother, and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. And then - which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian - there came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. And there was greeting and kissing and hand-shaking and old jokes revived, (you've no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years) and the whole company moved forward to the centre of the orchard where the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all, and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in those two thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might, for these two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended. And Tirian felt as you would feel if you were brought before Adam and Eve in all their glory.你听到过的(如果你知道这些国家的历史)每一个人,似乎都在那儿。有猫头鹰格里姆费瑟、沼泽怪普德格伦、解魔醒迷的国王瑞廉、瑞廉的母亲那位明星的女儿、瑞廉的了不起的父亲凯斯宾国王本人。紧挨着凯斯宾的,是德林尼安勋爵和伯尼勋爵、小矮人特鲁普金、猎户特鲁夫尔、善良的獾、人头马格伦斯通姆,以及拯救大战中的其他上百个英雄。从另一边又来了阿钦兰国王科奥、他的父亲国王伦恩、他的王后阿拉维斯、他的兄弟勇敢的王子霹雳拳击手科林、战马布里和母马赫温。接着——在蒂莲看来,这是一切奇迹之上的奇迹——竟从遥远的往昔来了两头善良的海狸和羊怪图姆纳斯。互相问候,接吻,握手,老的笑话也复活了(你完全不了解一个老的笑话听起来多么有趣,当你把它搁了五六百年又重新端出来的时候),整个队伍向前移动,向果园的中心走去;果园里,长生鸟坐在一棵树上,俯瞰着他们大家,而树底下有两个御座,御座上分别坐着国王和王后,伟大而美丽,大家都拜倒在他们面前。他们也要拜下去,因为这两位就是国王法兰克和王后海伦,纳尼亚和阿钦兰的大部分古代国王都是他们的后裔。而蒂莲当时的感觉就像带你去见风华正茂的亚当和夏娃时的感受一样。
About half an hour later - or it might have been half a hundred years later, for time there is not like time here - Lucy stood with her dear friend, her oldest Narnian friend, the Faun Tumnus, looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. But when you looked down you found that this hill was much higher than you had thought: it sank down with shining cliffs, thousands of feet below them and trees in that lower world looked no bigger than grains of green salt. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden.大约半个钟头以后——或者也可能是五十年以后,因为那儿的时间,跟咱们这儿的时间不一样——露茜和她的亲爱的朋友,她的纳尼亚老朋友羊怪图姆纳斯站在一起,越过花园的墙头俯瞰,看到整个纳尼亚展现在下面。但,当你俯瞰时,你发觉这山比你所认为的要大得多,它挟着闪闪发亮的悬崖下沉数千英尺,在底层,树木看上去只有绿色的盐粒那么大。然后她转而向内,背靠着墙,瞧着花园。
"I see," she said at last, thoughtfully. "I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside."“我明白了,”她终于沉思地说道,“现在我明白了。这花园就像那马厩。里边远比外边大得多。”
"Of course, Daughter of Eve," said the Faun. "The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside."“当然啦,夏娃的女儿,”羊怪说道,“你愈是往高处深处走去,一切东西就变得愈大。里边比外边大。”
Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all.露茜仔细打量着花园,发觉它确实压根儿不是一个花园,而是一个完全的世界,有它自己的江湖、森林、海洋和山岭。但它们并不陌生:她一一都认识它们。
"I see," she said. "This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful then the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see... world within world, Narnia within Narnia..."“我明白了,”她说道,“这仍旧是纳尼亚,比下面的纳尼亚更真实更美丽,就像它比马厩门外的纳尼亚更真实更美丽一模一样!我明白了,世界中的世界,纳尼亚里的纳尼亚……”
"Yes," said Mr Tumnus, "like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last."“是的,”图姆纳斯先生说,“像个洋葱头,除非你不断地往里边儿剥,每一圈总比上一圈大。”
And Lucy looked this way and that and soon found that a new and beautiful thing had happened to her. Whatever she looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if she were looking through a telescope. She could see the whole Southern desert and beyond it the great city of Tashbaan: to Eastward she could see Cair Paravel on the edge of the sea and the very window of the room that had once been her own. And far out to sea she could discover the islands, islands after islands to the end of the world, and, beyond the end, the huge mountain which they had called Aslan's country. But now she saw that it was part of a great chain of mountains which ringed round the whole world. In front of her it seemed to come quite close. Then she looked to her left and saw what she took to be a great bank of brightly-coloured cloud, cut off from them by a gap. But she looked harder and saw that it was not a cloud at all but a real land. And when she had fixed her eyes on one particular spot of it, she at once cried out, "Peter! Edmund! Come and look! Come quickly." And they came and looked, for their eyes also had become like hers.露茜东张西望,不久便发现她眼睛发生了新的美丽的变化。不论她瞧什么,不论她瞧的景物多远,一旦她的眼睛稳稳地盯住它直瞧,它就显得很清晰很近,仿佛她是在用望远镜观看。她能看到南方整个儿大沙漠,沙漠后的塔什班城,向东她能望见海滨的凯尔帕拉维尔城,望见一度属于她的那个房间的窗子。远至大海之上,她能发现岛屿,一个岛接着一个岛的,直至天涯海角,而天涯的后面便是人们称之为阿斯兰的国土的崇山峻岭。但现在她看清楚了,这崇山峻岭不过是环绕整个世界的、连绵不断的大山脉的一部分。它就在她的前面,仿佛很近似的。然后她向左边望去,她看到了一大堆她认为是色彩鲜明的云,跟他们之间隔着一条沟。但她更仔细地看时便看出它压根儿不是云,而是一块真正的陆地。当她的眼睛盯住某一点打量时,她立刻大声叫了起来:“彼得!爱德蒙!来瞧瞧!快来。”他们便来瞧了,因为他们的眼也变得跟露茜的眼睛一样了。
"Whys" exclaimed Peter. "It's England. And that's the house itself - Professor Kirk's old home in the country where all our adventures began!"“呀!”彼得叫道,“这是英国啊。这就是那座房屋——柯克教授在乡下的老家,我们的一切奇遇都是从那儿开始的!”
"I thought that house had been destroyed," said Edmund.“我以为那屋子已经坍毁了呢。”爱德蒙说。
"So it was," said the Faun. "But you are now looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed."“屋子是坍掉了,”羊怪说道,“但你现在正望见的是英国里的英国,真正的英国,正如这儿是真正的纳尼亚一样。而在那个内部英国里,没有一件好的东西是毁掉的。”

Jewel thought to himself, "I will leave them to talk for a little and then I will go and greet the good King Erlian. Many a bright apple has he given me when I was but a colt." But next moment he had something else to think of, for out of the gateway there came a horse so mighty and noble that even a Unicorn might feel shy in its presence: a great winged horse. It looked a moment at the Lord Digory and the Lady Polly and neighed out "What, cousins!" and they both shouted "Fledge! Good old Fledge!" and rushed to kiss it.

But by now the Mouse was again urging them to come in. So all of them passed in through the golden gates, into the delicious smell that blew towards them out of that garden and into the cool mixture of sunlight and shadow under the trees, walking on springy turf that was all dotted with white flowers. The very first thing which struck everyone was that the place was far larger than it had seemed from outside. But no one had time to think about that for people were coming up to meet the newcomers from every direction.

Everyone you had ever heard of (if you knew the history of these countries) seemed to be there. There was Glimfeather the Owl and Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, and King Rilian the Disenchanted, and his mother the Star's daughter and his great father Caspian himself. And close beside him were the Lord Drinian and the Lord Berne and Trumpkin the Dwarf and Truffle-hunter the good Badger with Glenstorm the Centaur and a hundred other heroes of the great War of Deliverance. And then from another side came Cor the King of Archenland with King Lune his father and his wife Queen Aravis and the brave prince Corin Thunder-Fist, his brother, and Bree the Horse and Hwin the Mare. And then - which was a wonder beyond all wonders to Tirian - there came from further away in the past, the two good Beavers and Tumnus the Faun. And there was greeting and kissing and hand-shaking and old jokes revived, (you've no idea how good an old joke sounds when you take it out again after a rest of five or six hundred years) and the whole company moved forward to the centre of the orchard where the Phoenix sat in a tree and looked down upon them all, and at the foot of that tree were two thrones and in those two thrones a King and Queen so great and beautiful that everyone bowed down before them. And well they might, for these two were King Frank and Queen Helen from whom all the most ancient Kings of Narnia and Archenland are descended. And Tirian felt as you would feel if you were brought before Adam and Eve in all their glory.

About half an hour later - or it might have been half a hundred years later, for time there is not like time here - Lucy stood with her dear friend, her oldest Narnian friend, the Faun Tumnus, looking down over the wall of that garden, and seeing all Narnia spread out below. But when you looked down you found that this hill was much higher than you had thought: it sank down with shining cliffs, thousands of feet below them and trees in that lower world looked no bigger than grains of green salt. Then she turned inward again and stood with her back to the wall and looked at the garden.

"I see," she said at last, thoughtfully. "I see now. This garden is like the stable. It is far bigger inside than it was outside."

"Of course, Daughter of Eve," said the Faun. "The further up and the further in you go, the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside."

Lucy looked hard at the garden and saw that it was not really a garden but a whole world, with its own rivers and woods and sea and mountains. But they were not strange: she knew them all.

"I see," she said. "This is still Narnia, and more real and more beautiful then the Narnia down below, just as it was more real and more beautiful than the Narnia outside the stable door! I see... world within world, Narnia within Narnia..."

"Yes," said Mr Tumnus, "like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last."

And Lucy looked this way and that and soon found that a new and beautiful thing had happened to her. Whatever she looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if she were looking through a telescope. She could see the whole Southern desert and beyond it the great city of Tashbaan: to Eastward she could see Cair Paravel on the edge of the sea and the very window of the room that had once been her own. And far out to sea she could discover the islands, islands after islands to the end of the world, and, beyond the end, the huge mountain which they had called Aslan's country. But now she saw that it was part of a great chain of mountains which ringed round the whole world. In front of her it seemed to come quite close. Then she looked to her left and saw what she took to be a great bank of brightly-coloured cloud, cut off from them by a gap. But she looked harder and saw that it was not a cloud at all but a real land. And when she had fixed her eyes on one particular spot of it, she at once cried out, "Peter! Edmund! Come and look! Come quickly." And they came and looked, for their eyes also had become like hers.

"Whys" exclaimed Peter. "It's England. And that's the house itself - Professor Kirk's old home in the country where all our adventures began!"

"I thought that house had been destroyed," said Edmund.

"So it was," said the Faun. "But you are now looking at the England within England, the real England just as this is the real Narnia. And in that inner England no good thing is destroyed."














重点单词   查看全部解释    
mare [mer]


n. 母马,母驴 n. (月球等)表面阴暗处

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

fledge [fledʒ]


vi. 长羽毛 vt. 装上羽毛

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的

orchard ['ɔ:tʃəd]


n. 果园

unicorn ['ju:nikɔ:n]


n. (传说中的)独角兽

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费





