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全新版大学英语听说教程第3册 Unit4 MARRIAGE

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Part B

Text 1

Being aPolice Officer Is a Stressful Job

Interviewer:Welcome to our program, Sam.

Sam: Thankyou.

Interviewer:Sam, how long have you been a police officer?

Sam: I'vebeen a police officer for thirty years.

Interviewer:Thirty years. And you've had different types of assignments on the policeforce, I guess.

Sam: Yeah,I've done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and nowI'm supervising investigations.

Interviewer:Sam, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a verystressful job. Would you agree?

Sam: Yes,it's definitely a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment.

Interviewer:So, what's probably the most stressful assignment you can have?

Sam: I'dsay patrol is the most stressful assignment.

Interviewer:That's interesting! In what way?

Sam: Well,I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor -- the fear of theunknown.

Interviewer:What do you mean, Sam?

Sam: Well,in patrol work, you don't know from moment to moment who you are talking to orwhat their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Let's say, forexample, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems asthough that would be a very low-stress situation.

Interviewer:Yes, it is a very low-stress situation.

Sam: Butthe truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop.


Sam:Really! That's why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to beaware of their surroundings. People back over policemen, people shootpolicemen, people jump out at policemen -- different kinds of things. So that'sprobably the most stressful time.

Interviewer:I see. Let's take a break and then we'll move on to our next topic.

Sam: Allright.


1. What'sthe relationship between the two speakers?

2. Whatdoes Sam mainly talk about?

3. What doyou know about Sam?

Text 2


Interviewer:Sam, you've talked about the police officers' stressful time. Now let's move onto the next topic. So far as I know, there's a connection between stress andillness. Do you think that there's a higher percentage of illness among policeofficers than in the general population? I mean, do they get more colds oranything? Is this really true?

Sam: Yes,it is, and the stress level not only manifests itself in daily health --whether or not you've feeling well on any given day. It also manifests itselfin things like ulcers, heart disease -- police officers tend to have a higherrate of heart disease and ulcers than people in other professions.

Interviewer:Really? That's documented?

Sam: Yes,it's documented. And also the divorce rate among police officers is muchhigher.

Interviewer:Is there something that the police department does to help you deal with thisstress?

Sam: Yes,there are several programs that most police departments have in place. One isan exercise program where some part of your day is spent on some type ofphysical exercise. They've found that's a great stress reducer. Besides,there's also a psychological program with counseling for officers to help themreduce their stress. And there are several discussion groups as well. They'vefound that sometimes just sitting around and talking about the stress withother officers helps to reduce it. So, those things are available.

Interviewer:And what do you do, personally, to help you deal with the stress of your job,Sam?

Sam: Well,during the baseball season, I'm the biggest baseball fanatic, and I will eitherbe reading about baseball, or listening to baseball, or watching baseball.Another thing I try to do is to get some sort of exercise every day. And then Iwork hard at keeping up my personal relationships, especially my relationshipwith my wife. Fortunately I get along very well with my wife. When I come backhome, I can talk about my day with her, and then just forget about it.


1. Thedialogue is mainly about how police officers can deal with stress.

2.According to Sam, most police officers enjoy good health.

3.According to Sam, the divorce rate among police officers is higher than amongpeople in other jobs.

4.Counseling is the most effective program to help police officers relievestress.

5. Samknows how to reduce his stress.

Part C


1. M: Youlook so nervous, Rose. Are you all right?

W: Franklyspeaking, I'm on pins and needles. I have to give a presentation to a group ofimportant visitors this afternoon.

Q: Whydoes Rose feel nervous?

2. M: Youlook so upset, Sue. What's worrying you?

W: My sonJack made me extremely unhappy. He seems to be playing video games all thetime. Whenever I talk to him he turns a deaf ear to me.

Q: What'sthe woman's problem?

3. W:David, you don't look happy. Anything wrong?

M: Well,you know, my mother died three years ago. And since then my father has lived inan apartment on his own and has very few friends.

Q: What isDavid worrying about?

4. W:Michael, I don't know what has happened to Mother. Her memory seems to begoing. I have to remind her of almost everything.

M: Don'tworry, Mary. She's just getting old.

Q: What doyou know about Mary?

5. W: I'mworried about sending my son Peter to college. You see, nowadays many collegestudents behave rather strangely. They don't seem to be interested in theirstudies.

M: Just afew. Most students still concentrate on their studies.

Q: Whatcan you infer from the man's response?

Part D

FindingCreative Outlets for Very Stressful Times

Beautifyingyour home is a fun and practical pastime that can offer a wonderful sense ofaccomplishment. Few people may realize, however, that painting the walls,knitting bedspreads or sewing pillows can help relieve the life pressures weall experience.

Studiesindicate that engaging in creative endeavors such as sewing and crafting canlower one's risk of stroke, kidney damage and heart disease.

Thesecalming, repetitive activities relax the mind and can lower blood pressure.Sharing such activities can also be a way to spend time with loved ones, whichincreases our sense of belonging and further reduces stress.

Peoplehave always turned to working with their hands in times of stress. Handicraftworks, with their symbols of hope, have a far greater impact when created bygroups.

Keep inmind the following tips to increase the stress-relieving benefits of your craftprojects:

1. Workwith materials that stimulate the senses; work in a comfortable area withoutdistractions; play your favorite music.

2. Make afamily project of selecting your favorite photos, and frame them so they can beenjoyed every day. In stressful times, the photos can lift your spirits as yourecall happy moments.

3. If yourschedule is hectic, choose a practical project that will make the most ofcrafting time. If a simple kitchen curtain needs to be replaced, start there.

Changesometimes compels us to see things in new ways.


1.According to the passage, what is one of the benefits of engaging in creativeendeavors?

2. Howdoes the speaker characterize activities such as sewing and crafting?

3. How canthe stress-relieving benefits of the recommended activities be furtherincreased?

4. Whichof the following is not a tip given by the speaker?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
relieve [ri'li:v]


v. 减轻,救济,解除

concentrate ['kɔnsntreit]


v. 集中,专心,浓缩
n. 浓缩物

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

sue [su:]


vt. 控告,起诉
vi. 请求,追求,起诉

frame [freim]


n. 框,结构,骨架
v. 构成,把 ...

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

repetitive [ri'petitiv]


adj. 重复的





