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数字报业 另辟蹊径

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  • Business
  • 商业
  • Digital newspapers
  • 数字报业
  • Another brick in the wall
  • 另辟蹊径
  • The rapid rise of newspaper paywalls
  • 付费阅读的大幅增长
  • ON OCTOBER 10th the Baltimore Sun will join a fast-growing club. The newspaper will start tracking the number of times people read its stories online; when they reach a limit of 15 a month, they will be asked to pay.
  • 该报将记录读者阅读的次数,超过每月15次的免费限额后读者将被要求付费。
  • Local bloggers may squawk about content wanting to be free.
  • 本地博主们可能会因此满腹牢骚,但是可能没有几个月之前的反应强烈 。
  • But perhaps not as much as they would have done a few months ago. There is a sense of inevitability about paywalls.
  • 付费墙的推广具有必然性。
  • In April 2010 PaidContent, an online publication, found 26 American local and metropolitan newspapers charging for online access.
  • 2010年4月,网络发行商PaidContent提供26家美国本地、都市报付在线费阅读服务。
  • Several times that number now do so. More than 100 newspapers are using Press+, an online payment system developed in part by a former publisher of the Wall Street Journal.
  • 超过100种报纸使用名为Press+的在线支付系统,某种程度上来说该系统是有华尔街日报的前出版商推出的。
  • MediaNews, a newspaper group, put up two paywalls in 2010; it has erected 23 so far this year.
  • 2010年媒体新闻集团推行了2款付费墙,今年迄今为止已建立了23款。
  • Among national newspapers, paywalls are still rare, though the New York Times and the Times of London both have them.
  • 尽管纽约时报和伦敦时报都推行了付费墙,但是国家级刊物的付费墙却寥寥无几。
  • Most wall-building is being done by small local outfits. "Local newspapers are more vital to their communities, and they have less competition,"
  • 设置付费墙的往往是一些本地小报,他们对当地社区是至关重要的,因而他们所面临的外部竞争相对较少。
  • explains Ken Doctor, the author of "Newsonomics".
  • Newsonomics的作者Ken Doctor如是说。
  • The most ambitious architects are in Europe.
  • 最踌躇满志的付费墙在欧洲。
  • Since May Slovakia has had a virtual national paywall—a single payment system that encompasses nine of the country's biggest publications.
  • 自五月以来斯洛伐克已经建立了一个虚拟的全国性付费墙—包含了该国九大出版物单一的支付系统。
  • Slovaks who want to read news online pay €2.90 ($3.90) a month, which is split between the newspapers according to a formula that accounts for where people signed up and how heavily they use each publication's website.
  • 斯洛伐克人每月支付2.9欧元(3.9美元)便可浏览付费内容,该系统根据注册网站和每个网站的浏览量来划分。
  • Piano Media, which built the system, plans to launch another national paywall in Europe early next year.
  • 开创该系统的Piano Media计划在欧洲在明年早些时候也建立付费墙
  • Why the rush? One reason is that building paywalls has become easier: Press+ and Google's One Pass will collect online subscriptions on behalf of newspapers, skimming a little off the top.
  • 为什么这么着急?一个原因是建立付费墙更加容易:Press+和谷歌微支付系统将代表报业争取用户,从中赚取佣金。
  • The popularity of Apple's iPad is another explanation.
  • 苹果Ipad的流行是另一种解释。很多报纸都添加了苹果应用。
  • Many newspapers have created paid-for apps. There is little point doing that if a tablet user can simply read the news for free on a web browser.
  • 如果平板电脑用户能够直接从网络免费阅读则相关内容添加应用将变得毫无意义。
  • But the big push comes from advertising—or the lack of it.
  • 但是驱动力来自广告——或者说缺少广告。
  • Jim Moroney, publisher of the Dallas Morning News, says American newspapers used to abide by an "80-20" rule.
  • 达拉斯新闻晨报的掌门人Jim Moroney说美国报业曾经遵循"80-20法则"。
  • That is, 80% of their revenues came from advertising and 20% came from subscriptions.
  • 也就是说报业收入的80%来自广告,另外20%来自订阅。
  • Those days are over.
  • 这种日子一去不复返。
  • Newspaper advertising, print and online combined, has crashed from $9.6 billion in the second quarter of 2008 to $6 billion in the second quarter of 2011, according to the Newspaper Association of America.
  • 来自美国报业协会的说法:报业广告(印刷版、网络版)收入从2008年第二季度的96亿美元骤跌至2011年第二季度的60亿美元。
  • Few believe it will ever fully recover.
  • 几乎没人相信这种状况能够完全逆转。
  • So the race is on to build a subscription business, both in print (cover prices are going up) and online.
  • 于是竞争就转向了订阅量——网络版以及印刷版(价格逐年上升)
  • The paywall-builders tend to report a drop in online traffic.
  • 付费墙创立者倾向于报告低报交易量。
  • But not usually a steep drop, and not always an enduring one.
  • 但是一般不是骤降亦非持续下降。
  • Oklahoma's Tulsa World, which started demanding subscriptions from heavy online readers in April, reports that traffic in August of this year was higher than a year earlier.
  • 俄克拉荷马的《塔尔萨世界》四月开始要求大量阅读的读者付费阅读,该报报告今年八月的交易量比一年以前高。
  • One possible explanation, odd as it may sound, is that readers are still discovering its website. "We have paper subscribers who want nothing to do with the internet," explains Robert Lorton, the Tulsa World's publisher.
  • 一个合理的解释是读者仍在研究网站,尽管听起来有些奇怪,Robert Lorton解释道:一些订阅者只想要印刷版。
  • Fewer than half of the newspaper's print subscribers have so far signed up for unrestricted free access to the website.
  • 少于一半的印刷版订阅者注册了网络阅读。
  • Other newspapers report similar proportions.
  • 其他的报刊也报告了类似数据。
  • That suggests the game is not over.
  • 这说明传统报业还没玩完。
  • The early-adopting young abandoned print newspapers long ago. But many newspapers have a surprisingly large,
  • 很久以前。但是很多报刊有着惊人数量的付费客户。
  • if dwindling, herd of paying customers. They will milk them as hard as they can.
  • 若是付费客户数量逐渐减少,报刊会想尽办法从客户身上榨取钱财。


Business Digital newspapers Another brick in the wall

商业 数字报业 另辟蹊径
The rapid rise of newspaper paywalls
ON OCTOBER 10th the Baltimore Sun will join a fast-growing club. The newspaper will start tracking the number of times people read its stories online; when they reach a limit of 15 a month, they will be asked to pay. Local bloggers may squawk about content wanting to be free. But perhaps not as much as they would have done a few months ago. There is a sense of inevitability about paywalls.
该报将记录读者阅读的次数,超过每月15次的免费限额后读者将被要求付费。本地博主们可能会因此满腹牢骚,但是可能没有几个月之前的反应强烈 。付费墙的推广具有必然性。
In April 2010 PaidContent, an online publication, found 26 American local and metropolitan newspapers charging for online access. Several times that number now do so. More than 100 newspapers are using Press+, an online payment system developed in part by a former publisher of the Wall Street Journal. MediaNews, a newspaper group, put up two paywalls in 2010; it has erected 23 so far this year.
Among national newspapers, paywalls are still rare, though the New York Times and the Times of London both have them. Most wall-building is being done by small local outfits. "Local newspapers are more vital to their communities, and they have less competition," explains Ken Doctor, the author of "Newsonomics".
尽管纽约时报和伦敦时报都推行了付费墙,但是国家级刊物的付费墙却寥寥无几。设置付费墙的往往是一些本地小报,他们对当地社区是至关重要的,因而他们所面临的外部竞争相对较少。Newsonomics的作者Ken Doctor如是说。
The most ambitious architects are in Europe. Since May Slovakia has had a virtual national paywall—a single payment system that encompasses nine of the country's biggest publications. Slovaks who want to read news online pay
重点单词   查看全部解释    
competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

inevitability [in,evitə'biləti]


n. 必然性;不可逃避

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

payment ['peimənt]


n. 支付,付款,报偿,报应

metropolitan [.metrə'pɔlitən]


n. 大都市的居民,大主教
adj. 大都市的

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的





