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经济学人:最强拍档 Friends united

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  • Books and Arts;New French film;Friends united;An unlikely comic hit;
  • 文艺;法国新片;最强拍档;独特的喜剧冲击;
  • French film-makers are good at turning out silly comedies that foreigners find unwatchable.
  • 法国电影制作人擅长导演让外国观众看不下去的无厘头喜剧。
  • They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.
  • 电影的口碑也多为孤芳自赏和缺乏情节,多以别致的公寓,干净的木地板为背景,让人能感觉到沉闷的法国风格。
  • Just occasionally, however, they come up with a comic gem.
  • 然而偶尔,他们也会有好的喜剧作品。
  • "Intouchables", directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, is one of those cleverly pitched,
  • 由奥利维·那卡和艾力克·托兰达导演电影《不可触碰》就是一例。
  • well-scripted, feel-good comic films typically crafted in Hollywood;
  • 该电影制作精良,剧本精心推敲,倒像是典型出自好莱坞的喜剧片,
  • it is a delight to see that the French can sometimes pull them off too.
  • 很高兴看到法兰西人能时不时突破自己。
  • With more than 4m tickets sold since it opened earlier this month, the film is set to be a boxoffice smash.
  • 影片自11月初首映以来就已突破400万张票房业绩,这部电影势必会成为一部轰动票房之作。
  • Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe,
  • 电影根据真实故事改编,讲述的是菲利普,一个四肢瘫痪的贵族(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞饰演)和Driss(奥玛·赛饰演)
  • a quadriplegic aristocrat (Francois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy),
  • 一位来自巴黎郊区破房子里的塞内加尔裔青年之间
  • a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris.
  • 建立的一段几乎不可能的主仆友情。
  • On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion.
  • Driss刑满出狱后,菲利普没有经过考察便立刻雇佣了他,让他负责照顾自己在巴黎豪宅里的生活起居。
  • Philippe is warned that banlieue youths have "no pity".
  • 当别人警告菲利普说这位郊区青年毫无“怜悯之心”时,
  • No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want.
  • 没有怜悯之心?坐在轮椅上的这位曾经的跳伞健将冷冷的回到:这正是我要找的。
  • Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.
  • 如果没有巧妙的处理的话,这类题材的电影可能会落入俗套。
  • Instead, the film's light touch finds comedy in both men's handicaps: the one physical, the other social.
  • 然而,这部电影的喜剧亮点放在了两个男人各自的缺陷上,一个是身体残疾,另一个是社交障碍。
  • Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them.
  • 但彼此都没有感情冲动,都比周围其他人能更好的读懂对方。
  • This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris,
  • 这种独特的味道在影片开场就有所展现。菲利普坐在副驾驶上,让Driss激动的开着自己拥有却无法驾驶的玛莎拉蒂,
  • funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive.
  • 在夜晚的巴黎街头驰骋的时,车里充斥着劲爆的音乐。
  • French critics have been thoroughly charmed. Le Figaronewspaper called the film "faultless".
  • 法国评论家已经被这部电影给彻底迷住了。《费加罗报》称电影“无可挑剔”。
  • Paris-Match described it as "the best scripted, best acted, funniest and most moving that we have seen in a long time".
  • 《巴黎竞赛》这样形容:我们已经很长一段时间内都没有看到像这样一部集“最佳剧本,最佳表演,最有趣,最感人”于一身的力作了。
  • It has surely launched Mr Sy, a black comedian best-known for a short nightly sketch on Canal Plus, a television channel, on the way to stardom.
  • 当然这部电影也使赛先生-这位法国有线电视每夜小品的黑人喜剧演员走上了星光大道。
  • Bob and Harvey Weinstein, two Hollywood producers, have acquired the rights for America and Britain.
  • 两位好莱坞制作人,鲍勃和哈维.维恩斯坦,也为美国和英国的观众拿到了版权,
  • Here's hoping that English-language audiences will get to see the original French version, and not just a remake.
  • 英语为母语的观众也有希望看到这部原味法国片,而不仅仅是部翻拍片了。


Books and Arts;New French filmFriends unitedAn unlikely comic hit

French film-makers are good at turning out silly comedies that foreigners find unwatchable. They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French. Just occasionally, however, they come up with a comic gem. “Intouchables”, directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano, is one of those cleverly pitched, well-scripted, feel-good comic films typically crafted in Hollywood; it is a delight to see that the French can sometimes pull them off too. With more than 4m tickets sold since it opened earlier this month, the film is set to be a boxoffice smash.

Based on a true story, it follows the improbable relationship between Philippe, a quadriplegic aristocrat (Francois Cluzet), and Driss (Omar Sy), a gregarious Senegal-born youth from the banlieues, the grim housing estates that ring Paris. On his release from prison, Driss is hired by Philippe in a moment of recklessness as a live-in help at his Paris mansion. Philippe is warned that banlieue youths haveno pity”. No pity, replies the wheelchair-bound former paraglider wryly, is just what I want.

Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps. Instead, the film's light touch finds comedy in both men's handicaps: the one physical, the other social. Each, in his own unsentimental way, understands the other better than do those around them. This unlikely chemistry is captured in the opening sequence, when Driss roars through the streets of night-time Paris, funk music at full blast and Philippe in the passenger seat, giving his employer the thrill of the Maserati he owns but cannot drive.
French critics have been thoroughly charmed. Le Figaronewspaper called the filmfaultless”. Paris-Match described it asthe best scripted, best acted, funniest and most moving that we have seen in a long time”. It has surely launched Mr Sy, a black comedian best-known for a short nightly sketch on Canal Plus, a television channel, on the way to stardom. Bob and Harvey Weinstein, two Hollywood producers, have acquired the rights for America and Britain. Here's hoping that English-language audiences will get to see the original French version, and not just a remake.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
parquet ['pɑ:kei]


n. 镶木地板,剧院正厅部分 vt. 用镶花地板装修

highbrow ['haibrau]


n. 高知识分子,自以为文化修养很高的人 adj. 文化

comic ['kɔmik]


n. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素

gem [dʒem]


n. 宝石,珍品,受到宠爱或评价很高的人,松糕



n. 鲁莽;轻率;不顾一切,不顾后果

sequence ['si:kwəns]


n. 顺序,连续,次序,序列,一系列

channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

release [ri'li:s]


n. 释放,让渡,发行
vt. 释放,让与,准

improbable [im'prɔbəbl]


adj. 未必然的,不像会发生的,似不可信的

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件





