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牛津初中英语一年级 Unit3:你的生日是几时

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  • Hobo,today is Halloween.Great!Let's celebrate.
  • What are you doing?I'm dressing up as a ghost.
  • Ghost?That's not very interesting.
  • OK.then I'll dress up as Monkey King.
  • Reading Getting ready for Halloween
  • Millie received a letter about Halloween from her penfriend in the USA.
  • Here is the letter.
  • October 15th Dear Millie
  • Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.
  • We do not celebrate it in the USA but we celebrate Halloween.
  • Halloween is my favorite festival.We have a special party on October 31st.
  • What do you do for Halloween?We play a game called 'trick or treat.'
  • We knock on people's doors and shout 'trick or treat'.
  • Usually,they give us candies as a treat.If they do not give us a treat.
  • we can play a trick on them.My friends and I always dress up at Halloween.
  • We wear special costumes with masks.
  • Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are.
  • It is wonderful!This year,I will wear a tiger costume.
  • We make our own special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween.
  • We cut out some shapes to make the eyes,the nose and the sharp teeth.
  • My family always have a party on the evening of Octorber 31st.
  • it usually starts at about 8.p.m.
  • We eat a lot of special Halloween choolates and candies.
  • It is winter in the USA and it is very cold.
  • We have hot drinks and lots of nice,hot find.
  • We do not eat mooncakes!Happy Halloween!Lots of love.Wendy.
  • Integrated skills A Chinese New Year celebrations
  • Listen to the radio programme.
  • Help Wendy fill in the missing information in the table in Part A1.
  • B Speak up:Whith is your favourite day?
  • Which is your partner's favourite day in the year?
  • Why?Ask your partner.
  • Use sandy and Millie's conversation as a model.
  • Which is your favourite day in the year?
  • My birthday is my favourite day.
  • When's your birthday?It's on 3rd October.
  • Why do you like your birthday so much?
  • I always have a party and I get lots of presents.
  • Who gives you the presents?
  • My parents,aunts,uncles,cousin and friends.


Hobo,today is Halloween.Great!Let's celebrate.
What are you doing?I'm dressing up as a ghost.
Ghost?That's not very interesting.
OK.then I'll dress up as Monkey King.
Reading Getting ready for Halloween
Millie received a letter about Halloween from her penfriend in the USA.
Here is the letter.
October 15th Dear Millie
Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.
We do not celebrate it in the USA but we celebrate Halloween.
Halloween is my favorite festival.We have a special party on October 31st.
What do you do for Halloween?We play a game called 'trick or treat.'
We knock on people's doors and shout 'trick or treat'.
Usually,they give us candies as a treat.If they do not give us a treat.
we can play a trick on them.My friends and I always dress up at Halloween.
We wear special costumes with masks.
Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are.
It is wonderful!This year,I will wear a tiger costume.
We make our own special pumpkin lanterns for Halloween.
We cut out some shapes to make the eyes,the nose and the sharp teeth.
My family always have a party on the evening of Octorber 31st.
it usually starts at about 8.p.m.
We eat a lot of special Halloween choolates and candies.
It is winter in the USA and it is very cold.
We have hot drinks and lots of nice,hot find.
We do not eat mooncakes!Happy Halloween!Lots of love.Wendy.
Integrated skills A Chinese New Year celebrations
Listen to the radio programme.
Help Wendy fill in the missing information in the table in Part A1.
B Speak up:Whith is your favourite day?
Which is your partner's favourite day in the year?
Why?Ask your partner.
Use sandy and Millie's conversation as a model.
Which is your favourite day in the year?
My birthday is my favourite day.
When's your birthday?It's on 3rd October.
Why do you like your birthday so much?
I always have a party and I get lots of presents.
Who gives you the presents?
My parents,aunts,uncles,cousin and friends.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

costume ['kɔstju:m]


n. 服装,剧装
vt. 提供服装,为 ...

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

sandy ['sændi]


adj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.





