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新派英语第三册 Unit5:天气

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Unit 5 The Weather
1.Listen and chant.
Rain,Rain,Go Away.Rain,rain,Go away.Come again Some other day.
2.Listen and say.
It's sunny.
It's windy.
It's snowy.
It's rain.
6.Listen to the werther report.
7.Read about Trudy.
My name is Trudy.I'm a tiger.
I live in a tropical rain forest or a jungle.
There are many trees and bushes in jungle.
There are birds,bugs,and monkeys too.
It's hot and rainy in the jungle.
I'm an animal,so I don't wear clothes.
What do you think people wear in the jungle?
9.Listen and sing.
You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine,My only sunshine.
You make me happy,When skies are gray.
You'll never know,dear,How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Can We Go to the Beach Today?by Judy Veramendi
1.Chile is south of the equator.
Canada is north of the equator.In Chile,it is summer in December.
It is winter June.But in Canada,it's the opposite.
It's usually cold and snowy in December.
2.Do you like to go to the beach?
You can go to the beach n July in Canada.
And you can go to the beach in December in Chile.
3.Do you like to play in the snow?
Go to Canada from Decenber to March.
Go to Chile from June to Augest.
Bring your jacket,hat,gloves,and skis!
4.Tropical countries are near the equator.
In tropical countries,there is usually no Apring or Fall.
There is a rainy season and a dry season.
Go to tropical countries in the dry season.
You can go on the rainy season,
but don't forget your umbrella,raincoat,and boots!
Draw two seasons where you live.
What's your favorite season?
My favorite season is the fall.
What do you wear?
In the fall,I wear a jacket and jeans.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
equator [i'kweitə]


n. 赤道

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊

tropical ['trɔpikəl]


adj. 热带的,炎热的,热带植物的

raincoat ['reinkəut]


n. 雨衣





