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初中英语山东版九年级 Unit6-A:那时候我在外面

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  • Unit 6 By the time I got outside,
  • the bus had already left.
  • Section A
  • Language Goal
  • Narrate past events
  • 1a Discuss these questions in a group:
  • What do you usually do in the morning
  • before school?
  • Do you like mornings?
  • Why or why not?
  • I'm taking a shower!
  • 1b Listen to Tina talking about her morning.
  • Complete the sentences.
  • Hi,Tina.You look stressed out.
  • I am.I had a bad morning.
  • Really? What happened?
  • Well,first of all I overslept.
  • By the time I got up,
  • my brother had already gotten in the shower.
  • Oh,what a pain!
  • So,after he got out of the shower,
  • I took a quick shower and got dressed.
  • But by the time I went outside,
  • the bus had already left.
  • Oh,no!Oh,yes!
  • So I ran all the way to school.
  • But when I got go school,
  • I realized I had left my backpack at home.
  • No wonder you look stressed out.
  • Take turns being Tina.
  • Look at the pictures above
  • and tell what happened to you this morning.
  • What happened?
  • I overslept.
  • And by the time I got up,
  • my brother had already gotten in the shower.
  • 2a Listen to Tina continue her story.
  • Number the pictures[1-4] in the correct order.
  • So then what did you do,Tina?
  • Well,I ran home to get my backpack.
  • But when I got home,I realized I had left
  • my keys in the backpack.
  • You're kidding!
  • So I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.
  • And by the time I got back to school,
  • the bell had rung.Oh, no!
  • And by the time I walked into class,
  • the teacher had started teaching already.
  • She asked for our homework.
  • but of course I didn't have it.
  • 2b Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.Then listen again and check your answers.
  • Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.
  • The teacher looked at Tina and...
  • Grammar Focus
  • By the time she got up,
  • her brother had already gone into the bathroom.
  • get got gotten
  • By the time she went outside,
  • the bus had already left.
  • go went gone
  • By the time she got to class,
  • the teacher had already started teaching.
  • leave left left
  • When she got to school,
  • she realized she had left her backpack at home.
  • start started started
  • 3a Read the story and write the events
  • in the correct order.
  • I've never been late for school,
  • but yesterday I came very close.
  • My alarm clock didn't go off,
  • and by the time I woke up,
  • my father had already gone into the bathroom
  • and I had to wait for him to come out.
  • I had to really rush.
  • I took a quick shower,had some breakfast,
  • and then ran off to the bus stop.
  • Unfortunately, by the time I got there,
  • the bus had already left.
  • I started walking,
  • but I knew I couldn't get to school on time.
  • Luckily,my friend Tony and his dad came by
  • in his dad's car and they gave me a ride.
  • When I got to school,
  • the final bell was ringing.
  • I only just made it to my class.
  • 3b Now answer these questions.
  • Describe the situations in which these things happened.
  • 1.Have you ever overslept?
  • 2.Have you ever been late for school?
  • 3.Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework
  • to school?
  • 4.Have you ever locked your keys in your house?
  • 5.Have you ever forgotten a relative's birthday?
  • 6.Have you ever forgotten a doctor's
  • or dentist's appointment?
  • Ask your partner the questions in 3b.
  • If he or she says "Yes",ask more questions.
  • Have you ever been late for school?
  • Yes,I have.
  • Why were you late?
  • The bus broke down.
  • What did your teacher do?


Unit 6 By the time I got outside,
the bus had already left.
Section A
Language Goal
Narrate past events
1a Discuss these questions in a group:
What do you usually do in the morning
before school?
Do you like mornings?
Why or why not?
I'm taking a shower!
1b Listen to Tina talking about her morning.
Complete the sentences.
Hi,Tina.You look stressed out.
I am.I had a bad morning.
Really? What happened?
Well,first of all I overslept.
By the time I got up,
my brother had already gotten in the shower.
Oh,what a pain!
So,after he got out of the shower,
I took a quick shower and got dressed.
But by the time I went outside,
the bus had already left.
So I ran all the way to school.
But when I got go school,
I realized I had left my backpack at home.
No wonder you look stressed out.
Take turns being Tina.
Look at the pictures above
and tell what happened to you this morning.
What happened?
I overslept.
And by the time I got up,
my brother had already gotten in the shower.
2a Listen to Tina continue her story.
Number the pictures[1-4] in the correct order.
So then what did you do,Tina?
Well,I ran home to get my backpack.
But when I got home,I realized I had left
my keys in the backpack.
You're kidding!
So I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.
And by the time I got back to school,
the bell had rung.Oh, no!
And by the time I walked into class,
the teacher had started teaching already.
She asked for our homework.
but of course I didn't have it.
2b Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.Then listen again and check your answers.
Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.
The teacher looked at Tina and...
Grammar Focus
By the time she got up,
her brother had already gone into the bathroom.
get got gotten
By the time she went outside,
the bus had already left.
go went gone
By the time she got to class,
the teacher had already started teaching.
leave left left
When she got to school,
she realized she had left her backpack at home.
start started started
3a Read the story and write the events
in the correct order.
I've never been late for school,
but yesterday I came very close.
My alarm clock didn't go off,
and by the time I woke up,
my father had already gone into the bathroom
and I had to wait for him to come out.
I had to really rush.
I took a quick shower,had some breakfast,
and then ran off to the bus stop.
Unfortunately, by the time I got there,
the bus had already left.
I started walking,
but I knew I couldn't get to school on time.
Luckily,my friend Tony and his dad came by
in his dad's car and they gave me a ride.
When I got to school,
the final bell was ringing.
I only just made it to my class.
3b Now answer these questions.
Describe the situations in which these things happened.
1.Have you ever overslept?
2.Have you ever been late for school?
3.Have you ever forgotten to bring your homework
to school?
4.Have you ever locked your keys in your house?
5.Have you ever forgotten a relative's birthday?
6.Have you ever forgotten a doctor's
or dentist's appointment?
Ask your partner the questions in 3b.
If he or she says "Yes",ask more questions.
Have you ever been late for school?
Yes,I have.
Why were you late?
The bus broke down.
What did your teacher do?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成



n. 横档,脚蹬横木;地位 v. 给…打电话(ring的

dentist ['dentist]


n. 牙科医生





