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初中英语山东版七年级下 Unit10-A:很好的一天

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Unit 10 It's a nice day,isn't it?
Language Goal:Make small talk
1a Do you sometimes talk with people
you don't know?
This kind of conversation is called small talk.
Circle the situations above where you would
start a conversation.
Make a list of other places where you would talk
to people you don't know.
He's really good,isn't he? He sure is!
1b Listen and number the pictures above
in the order you hear them.
Conversation 1
He's really good,isn't he?
He sure is!I come to all his concerts.
Do you have his new CD?Yes,I do.
Conversation 2
This line is moving slowly,isn't it?Yes,it is.
We've been here for 20 minutes already.
I hope the movie is good.
So do I.Do you think it's going to rain?
I hope not!Me,too.
Conversation 3
The train is late,isn't it?No,today is Sunday.
The trains only run twice an hour on Sunday.
Oh,I didn't know that.
I usually take the train on weekdays.
Oh,do you take the train to school?Yes,I do.
Look at the pictures above and make other
You can use the expressions in the box below.
The train is always late,isn't it?
You love violin music,don't you?
It looks like rain,doesn't it?
It looks like rain,doesn't it?
Yes,it does.And I forgot my umbrella.
2a To have successful small talk,
both people need to ask questions.
Listen to the three conversations.
Are they examples of successful
or unsuccessful small talk?
Write "S" (for successful) or "U"
(for unsuccessful) in the blanks below.
Conversation 1
I hate waiting for the bus.So do I.
I'm going to be late for school.So am I.
Conversation 2
These shirts are really expensive,aren't they?
Yes,they are.
The prices in this store are too high.
Yes,they are.
Conversation 3
It always rains on the weekend,doesn't it?
Yes.It rains every Saturday!
Do you think it'll stop by noon?
I hope so.I want to go swimming.
Oh?Where do you swim?
At Franklin Lake.Do you ever go there?
2b Listen to Conversation 3 again.
Put the sentences and questions below in order.
Imagine you are at a bus stop.
Make your own small talk.You can use the
expressions in the box below.
It's really cold today,isn't it?
Yes,it is.I hope the bus comes soon.
It's really cold today,isn't it?
The No.15 bus stops here,doesn't it?
Grammar Focus
It's really windy today,isn't it?
Yes,it is.
You're Ben's sister,aren't you?Yes,I am.
The No.15 bus stops here,doesn't it?
Yes,it does.
3a Complete the conversation.
Write sentences in the blanks.
Practice the conversation in activity 3a.
Then write and practice another conversation
with your partner.
You can use situations like these:
Two people looking through books in a bookstore
Two people waiting in line to buy ice cream
Two people alone in an elevator
Two people waiting to cross a busy street
Here are some possible opening questions:
Their prices are really how,aren't they?
This line is slow,isn't it?
Nice day,isn't it?
What are some good small talk topics to use with these people?
Make a list.Then role play conversations using these people.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

violin [.vaiə'lin]


n. 小提琴

unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful]


adj. 失败的;不成功的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





